Parana River Biotope


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Mar 8, 2021
Reaction score
Eastern US
Hello! I am wanting to do a Parana River Biotope in my 55 gallon tank. The plan is to have a sand substrate, some branchy driftwood (it is manzanita driftwood), some Brazilian pennywort, Echinodorus Bleheri, and some floating plants. I am wanting to do a somewhat strict biotope, but I am alright with a few exceptions. My planned stock was

1 Electric Blue Acara*
12 - 24 Cory Hastatus
12 Bloodfin Tetra
1 BN Pleco (maybe 2, my sister wants one to keep in my tank)
and MAYBEEEE some black skirt tetras

I was just wondering if anyone can see any problems with that stocking? Would there be room for some black skirt tetras? If so, how many? Would they get along with the other fish? I don't know much about Black Skirt Tetras, so I wanted to research some more before officially adding them to my stock list.

*About the acara, I know there are not Electric Blue Acaras in the Parana River, BUT I have read that there are Redbreast and Banded Acaras, and I figured I could make an exception since I already have my Electric Blue Acara

What do you guys think? Does this sound accurate? Any problems come to mind? I will OF COURSE wait to stock anything more until I have fought off the Ich in my tank. If anyone knows anything about the Parana River, I would be glad to hear all that you know!
I love mine. She was skittish at first, but now she comes up to the glass every time I walk in the room ?

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