Paradise in small tank


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
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I just got a small 5 gallon desktop tank and was wondering if one or maybe two paradise fish would be ok in it. If not what would work? I'd rather have one or two big (2 inches) fish than 6 little (1/2 inch) fish.
The bio load of 2 x 2-3" fish is much heavier than the bio load of 6x 1" fish. A 5 gallon tank is too small for larger fish.
It's unfortunate that bio-load is always the only thing considered regarding aquarium size.

Yes, you can keep 2 paradise fish in the 5 gallon as long as you do enough water changes to support the bioload - this is not why I wouldn't recommend them.

They can be aggressive toward each other. The smaller the tank, the more aggression will come out. These are also fish that, kept properly and allowed to live long enough, will reach 4", sometimes a little larger. Fish don't need just clean water, they need space to live.

I don't believe there are many fish suitable to such a small tank, but it also depends on how much the lives of the fish are valued by the owner. I think the betta is as nice a suggestion and you can get on this one, and you can make a charming microtank with it.
I would reccomend against keeping 2 paradise fish in a 5 gallon.
We had two in a 10 and that was too small; they've only really calmed down now in our 30g - and then still the occasional fights.

A betta is prob the best bet if you are only going to do rely on water changes, although we have 5 guppies in a 5 with over filtration too.
It's not only the bio load that's important - it's also about giving your fish living space. A 2-3" fish in a small tank will hardly be able to move at all. A fish should live in a tank that is minimum 5 times the length of the fish itself at adult size. One fish of 3" needs a tank minimum 15" long and I doubt if a 5 gallon tank would be that long.
Ruling out the paradise fish I would definitely go with the betta rather than the guppies. Guppies can survive in a small tank - but they deserve more fun. Though smaller they are far more active than bettas; that's another thing to take into consideration.
just FYI, although 2 is too many, 1 may work out just fine....a long time ago paradise fish were one of the first (and most popular) fish kept in small, unheated bowls/tanks....if a betta can be kept in a 2.5-5 gallon, 1 paradise fish should be just fine IMHO

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