Paradise fish, only one ???


New Member
Jun 4, 2024
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Do any of you have Paradise fish (Macropodus Opercularis)?
I have a 60x30x30 aquarium that is still to be set up and they are undoubtedly fish that I adore for their aesthetics, interactivity and above all for their robustness and longevity.
They would live peacefully with my water parameters and without heating.
I saw a very large tank with several opercularis and White cloud mountain minnows (Tanichthys albonubes) and I must say that I fell in love (I also have the video but it says that it is too big, maybe I will try to reduce it if I can)
On some foreign sites, not Italian, it says that an opercularis is fine alone like a betta (even more because they are more aggressive) and that an aquarium like mine would be fine.
Others that they are fine with fish like tanichthys, therefore a male and some fish.
A breeder told me to put at least 3, another to put a couple but only them. In short, if I had to decide for this fish, I have extremely contrasting opinions.
I used to breed them, and had a problem with numbers. I had dozens and was giving them away as fast as I could, But I kept them in a classroom aquarium. They had bred in a pond at the school.

Like Bettas they seemed only a danger to other fish of they were kept in too small tanks with other fish. I had huge males, in full colour, living together in a 1.3 metre tank. They were in with a variety of small fishes, all brought from the pond as winter approached. I had juvenile platys, swordtails and others.

A 60cm tank is small for them to share, but I doubt there would be problems as long as the fish could handle the room temperature. A paradise fish will own the surface, but lower down, may accept other fish if the tank is planted and if there is a little filter current. If it's an empty, still tank, a large bored fish will be rough on small equally bored fish.

One male can live alone. Your aquarium seems too small to put more than one, Males can be aggressive to females when they guard the nest. They build a lot of nests. - the breeding drive is very strong with them.
thanks for the reply.
I saw in an Italian fb group paradise fish many who have external mini pounds with lots of opercularis, even males, together with other fish, the problem they have is where to put the many offspring.
The mini pounds do not attract me for now (but my hyper aquatic dogs would be happy...).
Surely my tank will be very planted, with roots, caves, etc. but do you think it would be enough for a single male opercularis?
Unfortunately until the court case is over I cannot put tanks as large as I would like (250-300 liters) and in any case I do not think I would dedicate them to them but I think it will certainly be for cichlids.
I did not understand (sorry) the discussion about other possible fish and which ones
I had the paradise fish indoors, for the Canadian winter. If you put white clouds, it might work. But in a small tank like yours, I would put one paradise fish.

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