Pantodon Breeding


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
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I'll shortly be looking to set up a breeding scheme for African butterfly fish (Pantodon bucholzi) and was wondering if there was anyone online who could offer some advice, or anyone in the UK that has currently or in the past bred this species successfully?

Any advice gratefully appreciated!
No personal experience, but there's a nice write-up in Baensch, vol. 1. Doesn't seem particularly difficult except the fry are small and difficult to feed.


Males anal fine is slightly different to females, i belive the 3-5 fin rays look fuesed compaired to females.

Pleanty of floating plant's as egg's float.

Small fry as said already.

Thats all i can think off hand, I had a good book on breeding and they was listed, but I've lost it now.
Will have a dig around from the last move i had.

I had a pair many years ago. I fed them live waxworms as the main diet, occaisonally some flakes, and the odd moth around the house. The female was partially eaten alive by a leporinus, part of her abdomen was missing when I discovered the problem. She was full of eggs, apparently conditioned by the diet.
I read that the fry float when they hatch, and will only eat floating live food right in front of their nose. The author suggested netting some daphnia, and allowing them to partially dry out, so they would float and kick around at the surface of the water. It didn't seem like a very practical method for feeding/raising fry to me though... If the fry are large enough, maybe wingless fruit flies?
I kept a pair together who always got on fine.

One day the male was chasing the female around, nudging her around her anal fin. Presuming this was breeding behaviour, it continued for about 4 or 5 minutes.

Then out of nowhere, in almost cartoon style, the female flipped onto her back and was dead. No real reasoning. I was lucky to see it happen else I would have had no idea. But yes, that's my experience on having a pair.

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