Pangasius Catfishes

Creature Seeker

Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2006
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Hello to everyone, only just joined the forum, but it seems great!

Just thought I'd ask your opinions on the pangasius catfishes.

My friend bought me one of these creatures earlier this morning yet when I put him in my tank he immediately looked dead. As the fish store only had two of them in stock and I had one of them, I thought the small 3cm fish was missing his mate so went over the fish store and bought his friend aswell. I then found out that they actually play dead when they are frightened which I found amusing. But this was the least of my worries as since I have heard that they can grow to 30 odd inches!...and I now have two!...and my tank isn't exactly huge (about 100ltrs).

Do they grow to the size of the tank, or will just keep expanding?

Any help, facts, advice you can suggest would be great!

no fish grows to the size of their tank, that's a myth.

pangasius are essentially tankbusters, one of the fish that a lot of people thing shouldn't be sold in home aquaria

see this thread:

lol yikes!

try taking them back to the shop they came from and explain the situation.

otherwise id hope you live near someone with a big tank. try posting on here to see if anyone can take them.
Jesus! Looks like I'm in a pickle. They are so tiny at the moment! Thanks for the info.

In the UK, so not exactly a great climate, lol. Are fish stores willing to take them back when they get too big? How long to they take to grow big?

You would be very lucky to find a fish shop that will take them back when they get too big, there is very little resale on huge fish and they cant move them on, I would just take them back now and get somthing of a better size before you get too attached to them :-(

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