

Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2006
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I have heard that pandas are notoriously weak -why are they so delicate? My lfs did not warn me- they are displayed with the hardy fish.

Is there any advice how to look after them ?

My pandas float in the plants looking asleep or on the surface upside down - Could it be "swim bladder disease?" how can I cure it and avoid it in the future- what causes it

any ideas?

I have heard that pandas are notoriously weak -why are they so delicate? My lfs did not warn me- they are displayed with the hardy fish.

Is there any advice how to look after them ?

My pandas float in the plants looking asleep or on the surface upside down - Could it be "swim bladder disease?" how can I cure it and avoid it in the future- what causes it

any ideas?


This is definately not normal behavior for any corydoras :crazy: I have seen cories floating on the top of the water before, this is usually a sign of poor water conditions. Make sure that your water is completely declhoronated. Also, it cannot be swim bladder infection because corydoras catfish do not have a swim bladder. Cories floating is a very bad sign, even when corydoras die thay stay on the bottom of the tank due to the lack of a swim bladder. When my corries had the floating syndrome I imediately placed them in an mature cycled aquarium and they recovered, other than doing this I can offer no other help other than make sure that you are checking the quality of your water and especially making sure all chlorine is removed from your aquarium water. I am sorry and I hope that your pandas pull through
I have a panda cory, he is only a young one, not even 1" yet. I originally had 2 of them, but one was a runt I think, and died within a few days. The one I have is actually quite tough, and has survived several tank changes. I definitely agree on the water quality, though I have never seen mine do that. Sometimes mine like to play in the current, hehe. Wish I could be of more help, but I haven't really been giving my panda cory any special treatmet.

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