Pandas Okay?


Fish Addict
May 20, 2007
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Hi, I just bought two panda cories. I already have 2 albino which are large and I had for about a year. The pandas are small. Do you think they will be okay? :dunno:
Cories get along well with each other, but what size tank do you have? If size will permit it you should up the number of both species, tho they get along they are truely schooling fish and I have found they like to school with their own species.
It takes pandas forever to get big. I have some I got a year and a half ago at the lps, and they are tiny like juvie fry. I thought that that was as big as they get, but I recently received breeding pandas from a private breeder and they are very normal size. So either the pandas from the fish farms in Asia are puny little things or my fish farm pandas are still growing up. Do be advised though that most pandas in the lps are force bred in fish farms in Asia that are compared with puppy mills. Therefore lps pandas have very delicate health. Nevertheless it is my understanding that pandas mature very slowly.

Pandas that are fish farm bred are sensitive to other boisterous larger fish. I would keep them in a small separate tank.
I made the mistake of putting 3 Pandas in a not yet matured tank and they paid the price. In fact it wasn't until my tank was about 5 months old that they really settled in and now their probably the most active fish in the tank. Their my favourite of all the Cory species but if you could get a couple more it maybe easier on them.
:thanks: Right now the two are staying together and sometimes group w/ the bigger albinos. They are so awesome!
Sorry no pics. They are w/ angels rosy barbs a whiptail catfish and golden wonder killies.

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