Fish Herder
A couple of months ago i bought 7 pygmy corys. Stupidly i didnt quarantine them (QT was being used already) and put them in with my betta, who died a couple of weeks later after a very quick bacterial infection took hold. 3 pygmys died too. After they had been in their own tank for a couple more weeks i put them in the main tank. Cleaned that tank out and got 5 panda corys fromm the local MA as an apology for the pygmys dying. One died within 24hrs. Another died a few days later. Then all was ok. So i had 3 left. Got lots of corys in the main tank so thought they might be ok til i can get some more pandas for company. In the last 2-3 weeks ive lost 2 more, so only 1 left now. He or she seems to be growing (at last!) and seems strong, but so was the one which died a couple of days ago.
Im wondering if MA use RO water now, as every type of fish ive got from there, there have always been deaths
Water is pH 7.5,amm & nitrites 0, nitrates 10. They hold steady. Add TPN+ weekly and flourish excel daily. Planted approx 25% with sand substrate. 180l with juwel filter it came with and a fluval 3 plus. fully cycled. Water change around 25% every 2 weeks.
Any ideas?
Im wondering if MA use RO water now, as every type of fish ive got from there, there have always been deaths
Water is pH 7.5,amm & nitrites 0, nitrates 10. They hold steady. Add TPN+ weekly and flourish excel daily. Planted approx 25% with sand substrate. 180l with juwel filter it came with and a fluval 3 plus. fully cycled. Water change around 25% every 2 weeks.
Any ideas?