Pandas Dying :(


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
A couple of months ago i bought 7 pygmy corys. Stupidly i didnt quarantine them (QT was being used already) and put them in with my betta, who died a couple of weeks later after a very quick bacterial infection took hold. 3 pygmys died too. After they had been in their own tank for a couple more weeks i put them in the main tank. Cleaned that tank out and got 5 panda corys fromm the local MA as an apology for the pygmys dying. One died within 24hrs. Another died a few days later. Then all was ok. So i had 3 left. Got lots of corys in the main tank so thought they might be ok til i can get some more pandas for company. In the last 2-3 weeks ive lost 2 more, so only 1 left now. He or she seems to be growing (at last!) and seems strong, but so was the one which died a couple of days ago.

Im wondering if MA use RO water now, as every type of fish ive got from there, there have always been deaths :/

Water is pH 7.5,amm & nitrites 0, nitrates 10. They hold steady. Add TPN+ weekly and flourish excel daily. Planted approx 25% with sand substrate. 180l with juwel filter it came with and a fluval 3 plus. fully cycled. Water change around 25% every 2 weeks.

Any ideas?
A couple of months ago i bought 7 pygmy corys. Stupidly i didnt quarantine them (QT was being used already) and put them in with my betta, who died a couple of weeks later after a very quick bacterial infection took hold. 3 pygmys died too. After they had been in their own tank for a couple more weeks i put them in the main tank. Cleaned that tank out and got 5 panda corys fromm the local MA as an apology for the pygmys dying. One died within 24hrs. Another died a few days later. Then all was ok. So i had 3 left. Got lots of corys in the main tank so thought they might be ok til i can get some more pandas for company. In the last 2-3 weeks ive lost 2 more, so only 1 left now. He or she seems to be growing (at last!) and seems strong, but so was the one which died a couple of days ago.

Im wondering if MA use RO water now, as every type of fish ive got from there, there have always been deaths :/

Water is pH 7.5,amm & nitrites 0, nitrates 10. They hold steady. Add TPN+ weekly and flourish excel daily. Planted approx 25% with sand substrate. 180l with juwel filter it came with and a fluval 3 plus. fully cycled. Water change around 25% every 2 weeks.

Any ideas?

Are your lfs selling them at a rediculously young age? Thats what my lfs is doing, and they're simply too young to survive.

Sounds like your lfs doesn't get very strong stock though.

I always buy my fish the day my lfs get the delivery, so any fish I buy hasn't been sitting in their tanks for too long, ever since I started doing this I feel I have gotten stronger happier fish.
Are your lfs selling them at a rediculously young age? Thats what my lfs is doing, and they're simply too young to survive.

Sounds like your lfs doesn't get very strong stock though.

I always buy my fish the day my lfs get the delivery, so any fish I buy hasn't been sitting in their tanks for too long, ever since I started doing this I feel I have gotten stronger happier fish.

The pygmys i bought have just started spawning so theyre young adults. Though they had about 90% wiped out by this infection apparently :sad: I bought them the day they arrived.
The pandas were young, yes. I had already bought 6 three line corys about a month prior about the same age,and theyre growing well and very happy. No deaths. The pandas (well, the one panda which is left), has only just started growing now. So im wondering if it was bad stock...will get adults next time if possible.
The pygmys i bought have just started spawning so theyre young adults. Though they had about 90% wiped out by this infection apparently :sad: I bought them the day they arrived.
The pandas were young, yes. I had already bought 6 three line corys about a month prior about the same age,and theyre growing well and very happy. No deaths. The pandas (well, the one panda which is left), has only just started growing now. So im wondering if it was bad stock...will get adults next time if possible.

Sounds like bad stock to me.

Though to be safe, what are your current water stats if you don't mind me asking. I'm no expert but there may be clues there, unexpected spike in nitrites/nitrates maybe??
theyre in the 1st post ;) there havent been any spikes at all, thats what leads me to believe its bad stock :sad:

My bad, used to seeing them laid out. And I agree sounds like bad stock i'm afraid. Poor lil guys. Can you get a refund/replacement again?? Take a sample of tank water with you for them to test so you can prove your tank's fine.
theyre in the 1st post ;) there havent been any spikes at all, thats what leads me to believe its bad stock :sad:

the RO water thing might
be the problem i know people
that just cant keep fish alive
that have been brought up in ro
im gonna ring them now actually. thanks

Ok they do use RO water, but not in the cory tank system. Theyve offered to test the water, so if i can be bothered to make a 35 mile round trip just to confirm my water quality is fine, i will. There was no offer of replacements this time though! They do still have stock of the same panda cories though...
I'd make the trip, take the dead panda's if you have them still, and a water sample.

Demand replacements, and if they refuse let them know you'll make it very publicly known that they have bad customer service..
theyre gonna think im takin the mick though arent they?! No i havent kept any of them this time. I did with the others. They'll prob think im after freebies!
Hmm... phone them and ask to speak to whoevers in charge.

Tell them how you can see how it must appear to them, but that you are genuinely honest about this, and dissapointed in the loss of your fish. Ask them to understand and that you would appreciate the offer of a replacement stock.

Worth a go isn't it?
ugh, just found out yet another pygmy cory has died, the only female, so i now have 3 of those. theyre now in a smaller tank with the lone panda, a betta, and some few day old molly fry. about 50% planted. they all seem happy at the moment.

yeah you're right they should be offering really, but i know the manager isnt in til monday,so will ring then. thanks for the kick up the butt lol :good:
ugh, just found out yet another pygmy cory has died, the only female, so i now have 3 of those. theyre now in a smaller tank with the lone panda, a betta, and some few day old molly fry. about 50% planted. they all seem happy at the moment.

yeah you're right they should be offering really, but i know the manager isnt in til monday,so will ring then. thanks for the kick up the butt lol :good:

Yeah give them a ring.

And i'm sorry to hear about the loss.. again.

Really wonder whats causing this..I mean you come across as a great fishkeeper so I don't even slightly doubt that you're doing it all correctly.

And sometimes I enjoy giving a nice swift kick, you have rights.
sorry to here about your loss fluff
i would go back and take a water sample
its funny how out of the whole shop
that's the only system that doesn't
use RO water take your water you have
nothing to hide from them if it was
me they would be getting a piece my mind
and i think a few people know how dark
and dangerous that is :hey:
yeah its very odd biff, as theyre spread out all over the place actually :sly:

will be having words for sure, its not on is it :angry:

Thanks RK :good:

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