Pandas And Pygmys


May 1, 2006
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Nottingham, UK
Hi everyone.

I'm getting a new tank and will be reducing from six tanks (none bigger than 20 gal) to three (or maybe four!!) with the new one being about 75 gal.

Thinking of the bottom dwellers:

I currently have six chain loaches which are fairly aggressive and active - so I'm thinking to keep them in their existing 20 gal with no other bottom dwellers

I also have six very boisterous panda corys, currently in a 20 gal and ten pygmy corys in a 10 gal. In another 20 gal I have two otocinclus (there were more but only these two remain after a few years) and six amano shrimp.

Currently both the panda corys and the pygmys have the bottoms of their respective tanks to themselves and are in with very peaceful fish (or at least fish that are only interested in hassling each other). I'm keeping one other 20 gal tank, so one or the other, or both groups of cories could go in there (with just guppies and platies) or I could put the pandas in the new tank with the Amano shrimp and keep the pygmies in the other 20 gal.

The new tank will have angelfish and pearl gouramies, but also assorted danios and tetras - so will be quite active (and not suitable for the pygmies).

Would the pandas be ok in the big tank - with very active fish for the first time - and with big amano shrimp?

If not, would the pygmies be ok in with the pandas in the 20 gal? The pygmies have been a lot more active since they've been in with male guppies (who pay them no attention and spend all their time near the surface displaying at each other) compared to when they were with the girlie guppies - who are much more active on the bottom of the tank.

Of course, I could always keep one of the 10 litre tanks up and running just for the pygmies ... but I justified the new tank by saying I was going to get rid of four tanks!!

I don't want to get it wrong because I can't catch the pygmies without stripping the tank down (all my tanks are heavily planted)
What would you do?
Here is what I would do if I were you.
I would just keep Pandas in the tank of own if you could. I find my Panda do much better in their own tank. And if the condition is right, they would expand their family. I usually remove the eggs and hatch and raise in separate container/tank but I find some reared themselves in the tank of the adults now. And you would not need any top/middle fish if you give them nice water movement, they would love swimming in the mid water swimming against the current. And when they get in the mood, they will chase each other and all the dancing, they will give you all the movement and entertainment you need. Instead of sit on the bottom inactive or hide in the back.
Also I find them do better in lower temperature(68~72F) with brisk water movement(I have 2 powerhead in 10G tank than typical community set up temperature(around 75F). They seem they like to have high oxygen water after all they are ORIGINALLY from the base of the river near the mountain. And also Angel would do better in higher temperature around 78~80F with less water movement.
But I don't think nothing wrong of keeping Panda with pygmys. I think they would be fine. I have my Panda with tons of Java Moss and many many Red Cherry Shrimps. And I know they too expanding their family. Although it probably slower speed than if I kept them in their own tank. As I would not suprise if Panda would eat the small shrimplet if they have chance since they are not much bigger than BBS. So I think you can keep many shrimp with Panda if you don't mind losing some baby shrimps.

Anyway, when I think about tankmate, I think about temperature, water parameter and water movement as well as the aggressiveness of the potential tankmate. And I don't think Angels would be good for C.Panda. And I am not sure but don't Guppies and Platies do better with little salt? If so, they will not be a good tankmate. And they will be better at different tank with their prefered water condition. And gouramies I don't know since I never kept them. And Loaches you already mentioned about the territory and aggressive issue.
If you must mix other fish with Panda, I think either peaceful small tetras in group like Neons or Embers would probably better. Or some Rasbora or smaller Danios.

But still the best to give their own tank. Also that way easier to maintain their water. They tend to be one of the most delicate cory and water need to be clean. More frequent water change.

Panda is my first Cory and they are still one of my favorite. And it is shame to hear many people have tough time keeping them. To me, they may require more care and maintenance but they will reward you with proper care. :good:
Thanks NEONCORY. I love my pandas too - and they do indeed clamber all over the bog wood in their current tank, which is why I was worried about moving them.

If you think the pygmies will be fine in with the pandas, then that solves the problem.
They'll need to be in with the male guppies too - but I don't add salt to their water, so that shouldn't be a problem.

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