Panda Loach Acts Weird


Fish Herder
Feb 28, 2009
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Hi guys - sorry if this is the wrong forum but I wasn't sure which one a loach would fit into :S

Anyway, my panda loach will sometimes harrass my 3 silver dollars by what looks like he is trying to clean their gills. I don't know if it is a cleaning thing or if he is nipping them as he can be a little territorial at times.

Also he will sometimes lie on his side on the bottom of the tank breathing very fast - several times I have thought he was on his last legs but then a short while later he just swims away again fine. I read somewhere that this can be caused by a lack of shelter in the tank however we have plants, rocks and a small cave which he can hide under or in.

I'm not all that concerned as he seems to be ok after these episodes but I'm just curious as to what is causing it. Could it be that he's eating some kind of excrete from the dollars gills which makes him almost drunk? :blink: I know that sounds dead wierd but it's just a theory. :)

Hi hensonc4098 :)

Loach questions belong in the Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids section. I'll move your thread over there for you. :D
Panda loach may be another term for zebra loach. These fish at times can show a little aggression, and are best kept in groups. Pick up a few more and you may see less of this.

Clown loachs are famous for playing dead, other loach species will do this on occasion, but no where near as often.
Panda Loach is usually the common name given to Garra Flavatra,
These are a cooler water species, that require high levels of oxygen,
Also what are the water stats?
There is also Panda Kuhli Loach..... albeit I cannot imagine it molesting silver dollars. B.Striata might, and Garra might.
this seems to be pointless unless the OP posts a photo of the fish or at least describes it.
Sorry guys - missed out some important details there. :/ I don't know the proper name for it but I took some photos of it. They aren't the best because he wouldn't stay still but you can at least see his markings. We've had him for a while know, and he's fully grown at about 8cm. He's been doing this for a while now. As I said, I'm not all that concerned but I'm just curious to find out what he's doing and why.




Hope they help! Thanks! :fish:
It is a Botia Kubotai.

It is one of the least aggressive loaches, and not likely to damage your other fish.
It should be kept in groups, 5+. Get him some friends.
It may get larger than 8cm; 6" specimens were seen.


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