Panda corys.


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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Thinking of getting some are they cute, and is there anymore of the corys that look cute, as never kept them before.
They are cute but I'm afraid I really don't recommend them, they have a reputation for being very temperamental nd dying for no apparent reason in what seems like perfect water conditions, this has happend to me and my friend and a bunch of people on this board. try them if you wish but dont be surprised if they die. :(

ALL cories are cute but some others that are especially cute in my opinion are trilineatus and adolphoi cories, I havent kept them myself though so I dont know how delicate they are. albino bronze cories are very amusing and playful. :)
Thanks for your replys well appreciated. :cool:
if you want smaller coris, pygmy cories are awesome!!!
I just got 5 this week and love them!!!!

(i think i've posted this like 5 times in the past 2 days :))
Hi Wilder :)

I think all corys are cute! :wub:

Pandas are small and everyone wants them, but they are unusually fussy about their water conditions. Even though your water might read perfect on your tests, you should still plan to do water changes at least twice a week if you get them.

If you are new to corys, why not try the bronze or albino C. aeneus? I think of them as being the "basic cory," and while I have many other kinds, I still like them the best! :thumbs:

You know, don't you that they are a schooling fish and need to be kept as a group. I would suggest no less than 3, but the more the better. They become more active and playful in larger numbers.

Whichever cory you get, however, I'm sure you will enjoy having these great little fish! :D
Thanks guys for your replies, my partner fetched three panda corys home as that's all they had left, poor goldfish had to pinch there filter media again, keep fingers crossed they don't die on me, that's all I have in the tank at the moment.

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