Panda corys


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Menasha, Wisconsin
Does anybody have pada corys ?

I was reading bout em n water parameters n temprerature n 3 different websites wrote 3 different temperature for them.

If any of you have em can you tell me the temperature you are keeping em ?

Thank you
You want to keep them cooler and in soft, acidic water. They are very delicate corydoras, so honestly they can be really iffy to keep. They're not generally robust in health.

Below 76F is best, expect a nice 72-75F to be nice and comfy zone to keep them at, soft water with a GH below 200ppm, even better below 150ppm. PH 7 or lower.
I've got 7 seemingly doing well in 76F soft water on a nice sandy substrate. Every now and then they spawn, unfortunately in a community tank so only a couple of survivors.
They're Hoplisoma panda now, with the recent revision of Corydoras. I gave mine to my daughter (not a kid and a very skilled catfish keeper) who has them spawning regularly. Her tank is for them is unheated, and is kept around 21 - 22c (70-72f) for most of the year. It creeps slightly higher in summer.

In the wild, the species can be as cool as 19c (66f), and shouldn't be kept for long above 25c/77f. You really shorten their lives if you keep them too warm.

They are really social and should never be alone. The more the merrier. In an ideal world, you start with a dozen. In a practical world, at least 6 is a good idea.
Thank you all for your comments. I want3d to have some but the water temp is way different frim the other fish i have so i cant have em in my community tank.the temp in my community tank is 78° Too bad theyre cute.
Panda cories are said to be delicate, but they are one of the only species I've ever had any luck with. (the other was Brochis splendens) I had a decent sized group, and they were always out and about. Really pretty fish.
Yeah I haven’t kept them at home yet, but the pandas have always been the healthiest-looking Cories in our store

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