Panda Corys Playing?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
South Gloucestershire - UK
-_- One of my Pandas has suddenly taken to playing in the gravel. It is fine gravel but I don't want him to hurt himself. He's swimming across the tank really fast and then diving on the gravel sending it flying. It's not constant behaviour - I saw him/her do it about 3 times yesterday having never seen it before (I've had them for about a year-ish). I guess he wouldn't do it if hurt right?

Is it normal - is he playing or could there be a problem?

Thanks for your help.

A Cory's Barbels are much sturdier then you may have been led to believe, fine gravel will have no effect and it is in a cory's nature to act silly. One of mine loves to squeeze thru the 2mm gaps betweens stems of the plants.
Cories generally dig through the sand looking for food. They forage all the time eating scraps from previous feeds. It's totally normal behaviour. Odd that you've never seen him/her do it before, as I have a tank full of panda fry and they do it all the time too.

The only possible caution I can add is if he's turning himself partially on his side whilst doing it - I had an outbreak of some parasite or other and my cories and rams would accelerate into something and flick their sides / gills against it (in general they only had sand and plants to do it on in my case :blush: )
Teehee, panda corys are very playful. Like everyone said, I'm sure he's just playing around. I wouldn't worry unless you saw him looking injured. :nod:

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