Panda Corys In A New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Gloucestershire, UK
Hi all,

I bought a 125l tank and it's cylcling at the moment. Well, when it comes to deciding what goes in it I'm really stuck because all I really want are Pandas :wub: I've been told they are very sensitive to new tanks though so I'm really worried about putting them in as the first (and possibly only) inhabitants. I've been trying to decide on another hardier fish to go in first but I just can't find anything I like! arrg!

Is there anything I can do to make sure everything goes well?
Something that goes well with cories and will not cause them harm is endlers. They are colorful and hardy and will help fill the space above the substrate. There is a picture of one of mine as my avatar.
most tetras, live bearing fish, nearly any thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:
Congrats on the new tank smudger123.

I suggest that you first get the tank cycled. Go out an buy Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate test kits. Fill the tank with water and (here comes the controversial part) add a couple of 'hardy' fish. Zebra danios and commom guppies are cheap and are relatively hardy. Feed a small amount normally and watch your Ammonia and Nitrite. If the Ammonia gets too high then do a 25% water change to lower it. After a couple of weeks you should see some Nitrite with a drop in Ammonia. Continue on as normal. When you see Nitrate then you should also see a drop in Nitrite. What you are shooting for is a bacteria culture in your filter that consumes the Ammonia and Nitrites while producing Nitrates thereby ending up with 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite and < 20 ppm Nitrate (this last one is managed by doing 25% water changes).

At this point the tank is cycled and additional fish can be added (don't go nuts though).

I also suggest you do some reading to familiarize yourself with the tank biosphere.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and welcome to this fascinating hobby.

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