Panda Corydoras


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
I am wishing to expand my cory kingdom. I am thinking of going for pandas as they are super cute and readily available. Some things wanted to clear up for a species only tank, planning on a group of 8, are these the next size up from pygmy cories? relatively small?

What size tank would you recommend for just pandas?
Best temperature, these are standard not like say the sterbis that tolerate the warmer temps?
Any special diet should know about?
Breeding wise, if they do breed, best to remove from the eggs? As read particular cories will not eat eggs or fry and others will.

Any other info? Having read around the internet but always best to have the real experience :good:
Ok guys, found most of the information through lots and lots of reading :good:

Only real questions now are planning on using a 18 inch by 18 inch cube tank for them plus pygmies.

1. Would a species only tank with just panda and pygmy cories get on well?
2. How many could I have in this sized tank? Currently have 6 pygmies.
3. Would there be problems with either if they decide to breed? Breeding is not the objective but would like it to happen anyways.
4. At a later date would like to add some sort of shrimp good with cories?

The tank is 96 litres, 21 UK gallons, 25 US Gallons

Sorry to pest guys, thanks lots xxx
I have 4 pandas with 6 C. aeneus in a 20 gal tall. A 20 gal long is better. keep the water extra clean. Buy the biggest ones. They like low light tanks some plants are nice to have. Sand bottom. Cool temps are a much 68-75f . They do not like warm water. Good water movment is nice to have. Mine spawn and my female hides those eggs well. It is best to get the eggs out. They will eat the eggs. If the tank is very well planted you have a good chance the eggs will hatch and grow but maybe only 1.

Corys always mix well with other corys. So that's not a problem.
Thanks so much Snowflake! Brill, there is definately sand substrate and aray of live plants which will add to and do a little rescaping. The lighting isnt too powerful so that will be ok and as only cories in there the temp will be easily attained. Thanks very much.

Anyone any ideas on stocking levels??

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