Panda Cory


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Columbus, OH, USA
Husband is adding Panda Cories to his 29 gallon. He has already added two - but are these better in larger groups? How many more of these should we get to have a proper school? Are 4 good? :fish:
I have just 2 in my 42 gallon tank and they are fine. They do look nice in a school though I have 4 Julies in another tank and they all stick together in a little group.

Do what you prefer and what you have room for.
Hi shelly25 :)

C. panda is a delightful little fish. I'm sure you will enjoy having them in your tank. :nod:

In my experience, they are a shy little fish that will benefit from being in as large a group as possible. Four would be OK, but if your husband can get 6, so much the better. They are about half the length and bulk of a C. aeneus, for example, so if you're counting inches of fish, all things being equal, you could fit a few extra in your tank.

Do be sure to have a little cave or some low growing plants for them to make their home in.
Thanks everyone - hubby will be very happy to hear your replies, and I imagine we'll be getting 4 more panda cories very soon. Yes, we have plenty of room and are adding several rocks and caves and lots of plants too. We'll post a picture soon! :D
I have had my panda with my bronze cory for quite some time now. he seems pretty happy with the bronze as the follow each other around the tank. since the bronze is much larger i have noticed that the he "protects" the panda, not that my other fish show agression towards him, but when the gouramis swim by and investigate with their "arms" the bronze swims over and "stands by" or hovers above the panda. they also nuzzle each other in a friiendly way. it is really cute actually. :)
I bought 8 semi-adult Pandas at last December. Unfortunately 1 passed away. But they start breeding since January and I sold or trade about 50 1"er. Now I have 10 (3 2nd generation) and God knows how many frys in 10 gallon jungle. I don't have time to separate eggs and frys to raise anymore. So the tank is sort of survival of fittest now. But there are no other fish but little 1~2 months old glow light tetras. I'll see how many more grow to the safe size(about 1 "). I lose lots of fry before then. Anyway, like many people say they like to be school. 6 would be good but they don't mind 8 or 10 or more. :hyper:
You can have as many as you can fit in the tank. Just make sure to feed them well since they are such a greedy pig. I swear they would eat all day if I feed them. :lol:
And I think Panda won't be much bigger than 1 1/2"(TL) although I read someone claim that he has 4 " Panda. Although he never show the picture when we ask it. So I am not sure about it. :rolleyes:
Anyway, I think Panda is cutest cory although some people think they can be delicate. They may be since I haven't kept many other corys but they would be fine if you know how to keep the water quality high and their stomach full. All the Pandas I lost had this hollow concaved stomach. Almost all the Pandas I lost was young, probably 1 month or less. Some reason, I lose many frys at that age. :(
I hope I can do better. I am always looking to improve my raising technique. If someone out there have good success raising Panda frys and have any tips you can share with me, I would be appreciate it. Since I feel I don't get enough young Pandas when I consider the number of eggs I am getting every weeks. `
Anyway, they are great peaceful fish. I can't stop looking at them. Either winking or forming T-form.

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