Panda Cory


Jan 18, 2007
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Hi People,

Does any body else like Panda Cories? If so how do you get on buying them?

I saw Panda Cories in a book and loved them so much I had to go and buy some, however I found only one in one shop, so I bought that one thinking I could find more (I know they have to live in groups), and for 3 months I have seen no more, then yesterday I found another one in a different shop, so I bought that one too. So now I have two Panda Cories!!! I want at least four more but at the rate I'm going, I will have 6 by May 2008.



I have managed to purchase 4 pandas today!! yay at last I have the 6 I wanted.
I love panda corys and I too have trouble finding them, I bought 2 a little while ago one of them died for some unknown reason, a few weeks later I managed to get another 2 from the same shop as the first 2. Another of them died again for no apparent reason as water stats etc were all fine, now that I want to up the numbers the shop has stopped stocking them! I know the other lfs I go to can order them in for me but they charge twice as much, so I'm going to wait a little while and see if the first shop gets them in. Another one I've had trouble locating is bandit corys, I rescued a lone one from a lfs, they had 2 but 1 died and I just couldn't leave that one on it's own.

Most shops will order you fish in, just ask :)
I'm gald I'm not the only one having problems!!! I have ask my local lfs and get some for me but has yet to come up trumps!!! I went to a new lfs yesterday and I have asked them!! fingers crossed.

it was the same here in lincoln, i got 2 then weeks later 3 pands, now though we have a maidenhead aquatics and they have lots of pandas and peppers, albino, bronze and many more.
Hi tropicalgirl2007,

Yes, it is sometime tough to find the Pandas that are healthy. The thing about Pandas from the stores, they are not always healthy. The reason is they are popular and they usually sell pretty quick. And they haven't had time to recover from the long trip(from breeder/supplyer to the local store) they took and now they are about to take another short trip from store to the home. I hear some main supplyer is China and Florida. And unfortunately, I don't hear much good thing about the mass produced Pandas from China.
And they are also often kept in not so perfect condition(like not so great tankmates or wrong water parameter.,etc) at the local store. I know here in U.S, one of the fish mega chain store decide to quite carrying because they have more mortality rate than make some profit.

Fortunately, I have a breeding group of them but I am also always looking for some healthy Pandas to add to my group instead of grow the young to increase the size of my breeding group(I don't like the inbreeding).

The first place I look for them is another hobbist/breeders. If there are some Aquarium Clubs or Societies in your area, that would be a good place to start. They usually have some monthly meeting or/and web page where you can ask if anyone have any to sell or trade.
My next choice would be either look around as many stores as possible. Or ask your local store to order for you. But either case, I would highly recommend to buy only if they are in store for a while. Few weeks would be ideal but at least a week, so either the fish is strong enough to survived the long trip and hopefully recovering from the trip or the weaker fish is died or show the symptom of ill instead of this would happen at your home. And it would be always good to ask where they came from.(it is always better to be nearer than out of Country since that means longer trip)
There is another way you can obtained these fish. You can get them from the mail order. Although this has few things you need to consider like cost of shipping, lack or poor visual information, lack or poor guarantee.,etc. But if you know or find the reputable seller/breeder or store who know how to ship the fish, you might get the healthier fish than you can find in the local store.

Anyway, good luck with your search for the Pandas. They are cute fish who do well in bigger group(4+preferably6 or more) as many of other Corys. And I found them do well in cooler water with high oxygenated water with some current. Although you need to check the condition they are born and raised as they need time to acclimate if you make any change in water parameter(ph, temp, hardness.,etc.)
Yes I love pandas. I think you will find most people think pandas are the "cutest" of all the corys (dont get mad anyone, i love them all, just seems to be a fav lol). I too have a hard time finding them, the on time i did see them the only tank i had open was cycling so that was a no. Unfortunatley, pandas arre one of the most sensitive corys there are. A fully established tank is a must. good luck finding more!! I love me some pandas! :wub:

I too love Panda Corys and yes very hard to find. I bought 4 and 3 of them died in a terrible tank accident (my GF took a goldfish from a friend and put it in the tank while i was away, she didn't know any better) Anyway a happy ending, My Common Pleco who was only a little bit bigger at the time but who is about 5 times the size of this Cory now, basically adopted my Panda Cory and now they are best of friends they eat together and sleep together it's very cute but strange. The pleco actually will curl around a alge wafer and only let the cory eat it. These fish are both around 2 years now.
panda corys are cute, i know maidenhead aquatics in StAlbans always has them, as well as about 9 other cory types. hope you find some soom :)
Same here, I've often thought about giving them to someone who has a few so they could live in a larger group, but I know I couldn't for 2 reasons;

1 I love them
2 No offence to anyone but how would I know 100% that they'd be taken care of properly?

I had to take that chance with a geophagus I had back in january, I had to trust a guy at my lfs who was taking her and a male(that they had on display in the shop) home, that he had a suitable tank for them. Luckily it turned out ok, his tank was suitable, they were so happy in it he ended up with 250+ fry LMAO!

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