Panda Cory Problem Still Ongoing


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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Hi all, I posted a while back about Little Blue (Post Here)

I was treating Little Blue with swimbladder meds, and his swim problem went away, but he still had a lump on his tail.
On the 4th of April I started treating him with Flubenol-15 like CoryMan sugested. I worked out the does and treated him on the 4th, 6th, and today did a water change and another dose. Before the water change his swim problems retured, which is why I did a water change sooner then I would have (he wasnt due for a water change til the 11th as he had one on the 4th before being treated) The swim problem doesn't seem as bad, he's just starting to tilt to one side again, but I am still very worried about the poor little guy!

The Sick Fish
Species: Corydoras panda
Size: about 1/2 inch to 2/3 inch
Food: Live blood worm, frozen blood worm, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, sinking pellets, microworms, soaked flake
Feeding times: frozen or live food in the morning, soaked flake or frozen food in afternoon, pellets or soaked flake in the evening (I rarely feed soaked flakes, he hasn't had any in the last month or so, def none while he has been in the hospital tank)
Normal Tank Mates: 7 other panda corys, 6 baby clown loach (around an inch each) some endler livebearers (spare males from a breeding project)​
Water parameters
Temerature range: 24C to 25C/75F to 77F
pH: 7.2
GH: no test kit for this test
KH: no test kit for this test
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrate: 0.2ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Water change frequency: 25%-30% weekly​
Tank set up - in hospital tank
Size: 10ltr
Substrate: sand
Filtration: sponge filter
Furnishings: small pot to hide in
Other tank mates: none
How long has it been set-up? used established water and filter from a 6 month old tank
When was the last new fish added? he was the last fish added late feb to early march
Is there a heater in the tank? no, the room is heated
Symptoms / Problem description: lump on tail base, whole body tilting to one side
Action taken (if any): placed him in a breeding trap in the tank, put small pot and sand in breeding trap, and an air stone right in the trap, with a second airstone powering the sponge filter.
Medications used (if any): was treating with Intrapet Swimbladder treatment til the 3rd of April, have been treating every few days with Flubenol-15 since april 4th​

So my questions are:
  1. Should I start treating him with swimbladder medication again? The Flubenol-15 says it can be used with any other medications.
  2. If the lump never goes away what should I do? Up until the swim issues started again today he seemed perfectly fine and just had a lump
  3. Could the lump be from an injury, like bad netting at the pet store or by me when moving tanks? I don't remember seeing it when I got him, and looking at the pics of when he was added to the main tank he doesn't seem to have a lump (pics are here)
Thanks in advance!
You are feeding the cory a lot of high protein and dried foods, it could be the cory is suffering from a case of constipation which is causing the swimbladder disorder, which would also be the reason why the swimbladder problems keep coming back if the cory has been on the same sort of diet for a while.
I would avoid feeding the cory any high protein foods or things like fish flakes for a month and put him on a course of small portions of algae wafer/tablet diet only. I would also use some small doses of "anti internal bacteria" by interpet to treat anything internal bacterial going on inside his system- the med will also help treat the swimbladder problem too :thumbs: .
Can you describe the size and appearance of the lump on the cory?
he hasn't had flakes in over a month. He gets mostly sinking catfish pellets and live food/frozen food every now and then.

I can do better then a decription:



I've been treating him with swimbladder meds from interpet and Flubenol-15
I believe its a deformity in the fish, that its spine has formed properly. If he is living a normal life then I rekon thats the answer. Just my thought
I believe its a deformity in the fish, that its spine has formed properly. If he is living a normal life then I rekon thats the answer. Just my thought

I thought that, but he is one of these three:


and they all look fine in there, and that was a month or two ago.
Still no improvement on the lump or the swimbladder type issues. Should I keep treating him or just put him back in the panda tank and hope for the best?
Hi saphphx,

I am wondering if your Panda developed like some kind of tumor? I know fish could have tumor just like people. I don't know if you know some vet or some fish dieseace expert. But it may need to cut it open.
Since it is not responding to all the medication you used, I would say there is no purpose continuing to treat. However I would not move him/her back to the general population, just in case the sickness is transmittable.
I would say keep in the hospital tank. And mean while, try many corydoras/catfish forum. Look for fish expert, vet, aquarium employee, aquarium society member.,etc. I surely wouldn't spend $100 for $4~5 fish to have some examination or operation. But it is up to you. I hate to keep some group(school) fish without right number of fish but you sure don't want to risk all other fish to catch any sickness. Try this forum, hope someone can help you
thanks neon! I was wondering if it was a tumor as well, he's always been the smallest weak fish. Will post to all my normal catfish haunts again tonight and set little blue up in one of the small thanks I have!

Thanks so much!

Have you checked with Wilder? She is not a Cory expert; she is heavily dependant on meds; but she has lots and lots of experience with fish deseases. Have you considered fish TB? It will sometimes deform the spine and cause swim problems. It is best to keep the little fellow isolated for now. Fish TB for instance is very contagious and incurable. It would infect everything. Although is would not necessarily kill everything.
What is TB? The second picture you posted. The cory on the left top looks like it has a deformed spine but could be just the angle its on and being inside the bag and all.
Little blue took a horrible turn for the worse. I thought he was dead, scooped him into a cup and started to go to burry him and he twitched his fin, he was breathing but just, he wiggled but couldnt swim and was stuck on his side or back, gills red, fins clamped, he looked like he was in horrible pain.

9.40pm - Started the process of overdosing on Liquisil General Tonic 4mil to around 1/2 cup of water
9.44pm - Put him in fridge once he stopped trying to swim
10.04pm - no noticeable breathing.

Blessed be, Little Blue. I'm sorry I couldn't do more, and I am sorry I tried for so long and refused to let go. I hope you are reunited with your panda friends and feel much better.

It hurts me so bad to have put him down, I wish I had clove oil as I would have more confidence that he wouldn't be in pain, but I did the best I can. Will be getting some clove oil to be ready for the next time and pray there never is a next time. I love my fish, I love Little Blue. As much as it hurts me, I know it no longer hurts him.

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