panda cories


Feb 22, 2004
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does anyone have information or experience with breeding panda cories?
I have four of them in a 15g with 6 guppies.
How big do they have to be before they breed, as I think they are juveniles...

and another question that actually doesn't belong here: could I put them with guppy fry? or will they eat them?
OK. I post similar message before maybe not in this site. :p
I have 7 Panda corys which making eggs every week since January if not twice a week. I got them from the store in December last year. They were about 1"(TL) by the time I got them. I did not set up breeding tank since they were not matured yet. So I put them in my tetra female conditioning tank. I figure I feed them well and they can grow. I could not tell the sex at that time for sure. Anyway, it turned out that I have 5 females and 2 males(1 passed away). January, they become 1 1/4"(TL), and females become much deeper body than males. And one day in January I got 7 eggs. Since then, they become bigger 1 1/2"(TL) but I think they reached pretty much the max size. And the spawn bigger bigger also. Now I get 20~30 eggs average. I sometime get 40~50 but that is usually from 2 females.
Since I got the Panda from the store, I have no idea of the age. And also, all the research I did on webs and books don't mention how long it takes for them to be sexually matured. But, my first batch is about an inch after 3 months. About the size I got them from store. So I am thinking, they can be mature in 4~5 months. I would know for sure once I get the 3rd generation. Although they are in the community tank.
Anyway, so breeding them, I DID NOT set up the breeding tank for them. They are kept in the conditioning tank with some small tetras. I DID fed them well and changed the water often. And conditioning tank become Pandas breeding tank since January.
I keep them in unheated tank but my room is warm, so tank stay around 75F. They do form t-position like most other cory. They do their naughty at late night to early morning. Especially after the light goes off. Although I catch them once doing in the middle of the day but that is unlikely. They do prefer to place the eggs in the small fine plants.. Their favorite would be Java moss. I also use the spawning mop and they do use it also. Once in a while, they stick some eggs on the glass up high but I think this is because of the harassment from the males while female is still carrying the egg. They do lay 1 egg at a time. Once in a while 2 but doesn't happen often. And the eggs hatching rate is very good. Almost all of them hatch. I do remove the egg in the morning after they lay. I don't know they would eat the egg or not, but better to be safe. So I hatch the eggs in the separate containe with air bubbler. It takes 5~6 days to hatch in my room temperature(75F). I use fungacide in first 3 days. I change water everyday. And another 2days or so, they live off their big egg sack. They do show the same marking as parents in 3 weeks or so. Well they do have extra black marking. Their anal fin is also black. And their caudal fin is not as forked as adult. But other than that, they are pretty much the miniture of the adult. By 1 1/2 months, they are about 1"(TL).
I think breeding Panda is pretty easy although I can't compare with other since I haven't kept other cory to breed yet. Yes, they do not lay as many eggs as some of the other corys, like 100~200. But Panda would lay more often. probably every 2~3 weeks. I can't be sure since I keep them group. Just feed them variety of food especially some live meaty food, like worms newly hatched brine shrimp, Daphnia. I never fed the Tubflix though. I hear some bad thing about it as well as good thing. So I do not want to pay money for it. Beside I can do fine without it. Mine goes crazy about beef heart mix and brine shrimp.
Anyway, just keep them well fed and keep the water clean. Change water often since if you feed them often and well, the water quality get worse faster also. I bet they could eat all day if I feed them all day. they sure love to eat. I do feed them several times a day. I do change the water 2~3 times a week 25~50%.
I think I covered most if not all. Good luck. If the fish is healthy and happy and both sex is present, I have no doubt you'll get some eggs in near future. :D :lol: :hyper:

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