Panda Cories

Yeah pandas are adorable! I have a species tank just for them :D Well it has some shrimp and a few otos too but I refer to it as the panda tank. That's the panda tank in my sig below. I'm sure they'll bring you hours and hours of viewing pleasure :)
"Cute" is the perfect word to describe pandas, IMHO! There's something about their shape, delicate size, lovely pink color, and their perky attitude that does make them, well.......cute! ;)

I found that keeping them in a species tank, or a tank with smaller fish such as dwarf corys or otos, gives them the freedom to behave in their normal uninhibited manner and they thrive in one.

(Oops! Edited to change inhibited to uninhabited. Just a small error.......... :rolleyes: )
I thought they were supposed to be bottom dwellers but they seem to be all over the tank except the highest part.
Hi guidedbyechoes :)

Yep, they fool lots of folks! Corys can be quite active. :fun:

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