Panda Cories, What Do They Like?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2007
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Just went out and bought six Panda cories for my 80 litre tank.

Tank mates inc 6 platys, 5 tetras and one plec

I have a few hiding places in my tank and it is failry well planted but as they are fairly shy and timid I thought it maybe worth adding some more. Will they go into a upside down coconut shell?
My pandas tend to like the shade under my internal filters. I have 2 terracotta pots and a coconut cave in there aswell. They also seem to like big clumps of Java moss. From what i hear they like a PH of around 7, but they are very sensetive to water quality. Any sign of ammonia or nitrites and they get very timid and lethargic.
I have some riccia and java moss growing, its early stages but will have carpets of that soon! My stats are normally really good so should have no probs there. Will get my arty hat on and introduce a cave or two. I have some coconut shell I have been saving for such a purpose
Right coconut in situ and they are venturing into sometimes, got sold some tablet food when I bought them but they dont seem to keen on it.

What else do they enjoy?

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