Pale older Clowns


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Had to replace a couple of my CLown loaches the other day. Decided to get some larger ones, but their colouring is much paler than that of the juvenile. Is this usual? The LFS did have some even larger ones in (£20 each mind) they were also pale. Fish seem healthy, alert feeding etc.

Help appreciated :)

The tanks a 260 litre bow front. All stats are good, never really fluctuate.

Amm 0
Nit 0
Nat 25
PH 6.5
GH 6
KH 3

Looking at other pics on net, colours do seem pale but band definition is good. Might try and get some pics posted

The colours and contrast between them fade as they get older. The dark stripes might develop a lighter marking within them which makes it look like the band is splitting. Extra darker markings may also appear, a spot above the pelvic fins is a relatively common one.

The changes in the markings are often but by no means always symetrical. It is not uncommon to find a Clown with totally different markings on one side of it's body to the other.

All of these things are completely normal.

I'm assuming the tank in question is that in your sig?
Lighter color is usually a sign of stress. All of mine were pale when I bought them but within hours at most had returned to their normal darker coloration. I've seen full grown adults and most have dark coloration so that's why I think it's just stressed out.
I've noticed that when mine are resting on the bottom, they are a bit pale. But they sure do darken up and get feisty at feeding time!
Usually clown loaches get pale when they are stressed out :X
ultimately the loaches will out grow their tank I'm well aware of that. Just an excuse to upgrade the tank :D. More concerned at the moment with their colouring/stress.

flash said:
ultimately the loaches will out grow their tank I'm well aware of that. Just an excuse to upgrade the tank :D. More concerned at the moment with their colouring/stress.

Most likely it's stress. It could be the cramped space.
Possible cramped.

Next prob though they've completely vanished. Just checked all hidey places in plants etc but nothing :unsure:
Check behind the tank if there are open spaces. They like to jump sometimes. I have my top covered in mesh just in case.
Nope nothing.

What was wierd this morning was the nozzle on the Juwel filter had been knocked off. Would take some doing to do this, put it down to the bichir flapping about... could be signs of an attack though... surely no one would eat my Clowns... :(

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