Pale Damselfish - Please Help!


New Member
Sep 24, 2011
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Hi All

My boyfriend and I bought a yellowtail damselfish last weekend and not it just died. Before bought the fish, took the following tests:

1. Ammonia
2. Nitrite
3. Nitrate
4. Calcium

All seems fine. And he was lively until Thursday. Friday, he became weak and started to change colour. This morning he was barely swimming and was just breathing.. and breathing heavily... after a couple of hours, he stopped. His colour changed from bright royal blue to just a pale blue - purple colour and like scales were removed...

Can anyone help me about this? Does anyone know what might have caused this and how to prevent it?

I would be greatful to your help.

P.S. We started setting up our tank 3 weeks ago... now approaching its 4th week. I don't know if this might have been the reason why his health deteriorated..

Thanks very much!

Well basically,when i set up the tank, the water temperature is 30c only because i live in a tropical country and i had to put an overhead fan to bring the temperature down to 25 degrees.

I must admit that the water temperature is not always the same...

Also when i added the fish, i put the bag and left it for 20mins to get the fish acclimatised to the temperature of the tank. then removed the band of the bag and gradually adding tank water in it, this is for 10 mins, then we put in the fish in the tank.
I'd drip acclimate saltwater fish. You have to take into account differences in salinity and ph in a SW system. A harsh change in salinity or pH can be detrimental for a fish. Do you know about drip acclimation?

I'd drip acclimate saltwater fish. You have to take into account differences in salinity and ph in a SW system. A harsh change in salinity or pH can be detrimental for a fish. Do you know about drip acclimation?


Hey,, sorry I don't know how to drip acclimate the fish.. Would you mind guiding me

Thanks very much

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