Yesterday I lost one of my Cory's. There was no fore warning, just looked in my tank and noticed it being blown about in the current of the filter. Could see nothing wrong with it, other than it looking a little pale which I put down to being dead.
I have just been looking in my tank again and notice that my other two skunk cories are also looking very pale and weird, like their eyes are very prominent. Not bulging in the sense of pop eye, but I think because the black on them has faded they are more orangey and noticeable. I am thinking I am probably going to lose these two during the night but what could it be?
My water stats are fine 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate, PH at 7.6. Did a water change yesterday but other than that nothing had changed in the tank.
The only thing I have noticed is my Cory's seem to be eating this fluffy stuff that has accumulated on my Redmoor wood. I did post a pic of the wood on here to ask if it should be removed but was assured it was perfectly safe and that fish enjoy eating it =\
Yesterday I lost one of my Cory's. There was no fore warning, just looked in my tank and noticed it being blown about in the current of the filter. Could see nothing wrong with it, other than it looking a little pale which I put down to being dead.
I have just been looking in my tank again and notice that my other two skunk cories are also looking very pale and weird, like their eyes are very prominent. Not bulging in the sense of pop eye, but I think because the black on them has faded they are more orangey and noticeable. I am thinking I am probably going to lose these two during the night but what could it be?
My water stats are fine 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate, PH at 7.6. Did a water change yesterday but other than that nothing had changed in the tank.
The only thing I have noticed is my Cory's seem to be eating this fluffy stuff that has accumulated on my Redmond wood. I did post a pic of the wood on here to ask if it should be removed but was assured it was perfectly safe and that fish enjoy eating it =\