Pakistani Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2007
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Melbourne, Australia
Looking at setting up a new tank (refer signature) and wanting to add several Pak Loaches withing a community tank to include Angels, Gouramis, a black shark and a few Bristlenose.

I was told by my LFS that Paks are more active then Clowns and that you dont want to have too many in a community tank........

If so, how many would suit my tank??
Pakistani loaches (Botia lohachata) will be fine in a community tank with angelfish, gouramis and bristlenose. However, black sharks get big (10-18inches) and will kill those fish when they get bigger.

I had 40 or so B. lohachata in a 4x2x2ft tank and they were fine. Depending on how big your tank is and how often you do water changes, will determine how many you can have.
I agree with Colin that Botia almorhae (as it's called now, not Botia lohachata) can be a good community fish. Americans refer to the fish as the yo-yo loach, so if you Google with that name, or its current scientific name, you'll probably have a bit more luck tracking down information, whether here at TFF or elsewhere.

In any case, it's typical for the (currently defined) genus Botia (as opposed to all Syncrossus and many Yasuhikotakia, including numerous species that used to be called "Botia") in being essentially safe in community tanks. It's a gregarious fish, and the more you have, the better they'll behave. Six is probably the smallest safe number. Maximum length is 15 cm, though that's uncommon, and they're usually quite a bit smaller. They're classic omnivores, as happy eating algae wafers as bloodworms. Fast, clean, not too warm water is all they really want in terms of water conditions, and aren't too fussed about water chemistry.

Botia are boisterous as feeding time and shouldn't be kept with anything too reticent, such as Corydoras or spiny eels. On the other hand, they make good tankmates for fast midwater fish: rainbowfish, barbs, medium to large characins, swordtails, etc.

Most problems with the genus come when people keep to few, or else mix them with fish that are shy, nervous, or otherwise not suited to life with these robust fish.

Cheers, Neale
I am no expert but I have 3 in my 40 gallon tank. I have them in with rainbows, rasboras,and some corys. I have had them for almost 2 years and they get on fine. Quit active especially at feeding. I have a lot of plants and rocks and wood so they don't seem to bug the Corys much. Great fish.
hi we've kept pakistani loaches with peppered corys for over 7 years with no problems they never hassle them but our loaches were very small when they went in as were the corys so they grew together. i wouldnt put small baby/young/ small species of corys in with bigger mature p loaches as said they can be boisterous and the little corys may not be able to get out of the way and get injured. the only real prob we've ever had with pakistani loaches harrassing another fish was a few years ago when we had swordtails, when our female swordtail grew quite big ( approx3.5 inches ) one of our loaches became quite aggressive towards her on a regular occurrence, she was the biggest fish in the tank apart from the 2 loaches who were around 4 inches at the time, i can only guess it was a size issue and the loach was trying to prove a point but we did have to move the swordie as it was a problem - may be something to consider.

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