Pakistani Loach


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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G'Day all I was wondering if anyone kept or has had any experience of breeding Pakistani Loaches (Botia lohachata) ? I currently have 3 one of which I can only assume is a female that is ready to breed (if her girth is anything to go by). She is absolutely huge :hyper: around the middle so much so that her stomach literally holds the rest of her off the floor of the aquarium. Any way I was hoping that somebody might be able to tell me how to hopefully get her to spawn. She (along with the 2 smaller ones and the growing out Bristlenoses) all eat plenty of squashed snails, they get flakes, sinking algea wafers and sinking shrimp pellets. If one of the smaller Pak's turns out to be a male would I be better off issolating the two and possibly have either warmer or cooler water with less or more light to try and encourage them to breed. The current water temp is around the 20 degrees C mark and they currently get around 8hrs of light in the tank. Also if they do spawn does anyone know the colour of the eggs and where they are likely to hide them (since kuhli loaches are known for having greenish eggs stuck to plants near the water surface). Any help would be appreciated by not only me but probably also the loach as I can't imagine she'd be very comfortable being as huge as she is. Thanks
I have 3 myself great loach species :good:

Be honest I have never tried to breed them, as far as I know it has not been done in private aquaria I have read though that females regularly fill with spawn. I am afraid it is no help that is all I know :-(

Regards onebto.
I have 3 myself great loach species :good:

Be honest I have never tried to breed them, as far as I know it has not been done in private aquaria I have read though that females regularly fill with spawn. I am afraid it is no help that is all I know :-(

Regards onebto.
I was thinking :unsure: of either putting all the Pak's in either the bathtub that doubles as a pond in the yard that currently only has some reject guppies and weed in or the 1000L pond that has some huge goldfish and 2 Gold gouramis in there (with a water lilly the Gold fish haven't managed to destroy :grr: and plenty of bricks as hiding places) however if either of these did induce the Pak's to breed I would be still none the wiser on how they went about it or what triggered a spawning. Although if they did breed at least I would know that it is possible. I did read on another site somewhere that somebody reckoned their Pak's spawned and the female guarded the large yellow eggs but I can't find any further referance to the one off posting.
I kept four for a while years back and never expected them to spawn nor saw any signs. says of them: "Breeding: Not bred in aquaria, but mature females regularly fill with spawn."
Well I bit the bullet and put my three Pakistani loaches down in the old bath tub. That was around a month ago now and just yesterday I figured I had better see if they were even still in there. I had to nearly totally empty the bath tub and remove a lot of the fallen in leaf litter but I did eventually find the Pakistani's. The female (?) that was so huge in the tank (full of eggs?) didn't appear as big and the other two had definantly grown a fair bit. The bath tub is under trees and has a large airstone and heaps of plants with a couple of bricks and rocks as hidey holes for the Pakistani's. They seem to like hiding in the leaf litter and nosing around in it, hardly surprising I guess because that is where all the snails that were totally over running the bath tub have taken to hiding and also where I usually find blood worms. Didn't find any blood worms this time so I guess they have all been eaten but I did find a few dragonfly nymphs that surprised be because I figured the Pakistani's would have scoffed them- well my guppies do.
Any way I'll leave the Pakistani loaches alone now for a while again, just make sure their bath tub water level doesn't get to low, and keep giving them thier daily rations of flakes to go with all the yummy life food they find in the tub. I might have to bring them back up to the house and a fish tank for winter, it all depends on if it looks like we'll have a mild winter or a really cold one.
Anyway here's hoping that the bath tub fits the Pakistani's prefrences since most info on them states that they live in still ponds, still hoping they will fluke it and breed.
Will keep updating this topic as circumstances of the Pakistani loaches change.
Good luck

Regards onebto

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