G'Day all I was wondering if anyone kept or has had any experience of breeding Pakistani Loaches (Botia lohachata) ? I currently have 3 one of which I can only assume is a female that is ready to breed (if her girth is anything to go by). She is absolutely huge around the middle so much so that her stomach literally holds the rest of her off the floor of the aquarium. Any way I was hoping that somebody might be able to tell me how to hopefully get her to spawn. She (along with the 2 smaller ones and the growing out Bristlenoses) all eat plenty of squashed snails, they get flakes, sinking algea wafers and sinking shrimp pellets. If one of the smaller Pak's turns out to be a male would I be better off issolating the two and possibly have either warmer or cooler water with less or more light to try and encourage them to breed. The current water temp is around the 20 degrees C mark and they currently get around 8hrs of light in the tank. Also if they do spawn does anyone know the colour of the eggs and where they are likely to hide them (since kuhli loaches are known for having greenish eggs stuck to plants near the water surface). Any help would be appreciated by not only me but probably also the loach as I can't imagine she'd be very comfortable being as huge as she is. Thanks