Pakistani Loach Addicted To Eating!


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
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i have 3 pakistani loaches and when i first got them one was alot smaller than the other 2........but lately the smaller of the 3 is constantly eating and whenever food is in the tank it does not leave until nothing is left....everymorning i put an algae pellet in the tank for my plecos......and he will not leave that pellet until it is entirely consumed....he has not quadrupled in size and is still constantly over eating......the problem i am having is that no one else is overeating like him.....everyone else is a good healthy size and are never bloated.....but for some reason he is just unstopable!!!!someone know whats going on?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? everyday we think he is going to explode!!!!!!!
I think many loaches are a bit prone to eating until they're bloated. I've noticed puffers do it too.
I have zebra, pakistani and clown loaches and the zebra and pakistani loaches are by far the worst for pigging out.

I try to feed foods they have to work for a bit, frozen daphnia/bloodworm etc and scatter it in the plants so that they have to actively forage around for it. I also make sure I crumble and scatter pellets, as they really will sit and gorge on a whole pellet if it's in front of them and nobody competes for it!

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