Pair Of Bosemani Rainbows


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Ok, so I have really become attached to a pair of Bosemani rainbows at my local LFS. They said they have had them for a while and they have always been a pair. I would say they are fully grown and do have colour, but I think they will improve once they are homed in a larger tank with some plants. I really want to home them, but I'm worried about the smaller fish in my community eg neons. However, I can't find any information that says they will eat smaller fish? Would it be better to buy smaller juveniles? Also will this pair become agressive in my community of 260l?

They look so sad everytime I see them :-(
i have 16 boesmani rainbow fish in a 400 litre fishtank they are great together in my australian biotope

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