Painting The Decor...


Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
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I tried using sealant and sand to cover plant pots and various ceramic items to make caves that blend in. It only lasted a little while before it started coming off.
I want them to be black like the substrate so it will blend in. I want to notice the plants and fish, not the caves.
The sand method wasn't very pretty either. Is there a paint or something that I can use that is safe for fish? There has to be one somewhere or the ornaments couldn't have so many colors.
What do I need to get, and is there anything special I would need to do to make sure that it is safe?
Thanks for helping! :good:
Latex paint is good being a natural product......but like all things it needs to be left to cure for sometime before placing the :good: item painted in your tank
i am just finishing the background for my aquarium i did the polystyrene and concrete method but to colour it i used cement pigments (non toxic ) and cement and just painted it on .
its taken me several weeks to get this far but if done on a smaller scale like painting it onto clay pots the pots can be cured and soaked untill safe in a bucket
once the cement is dry soak the item in a salt water solution for three days change the water and again add salt for another three days and repeat the process with fresh water .
by now the cememt will have cured and should be safe.

this is the second aquarium background that i have done in this way and have had no ill effects on the fish introduced into the aquarium but i must say i cannot garantee this .
if in doubt soak the item for longer .
the way i have done it is double the time that i was told to do it just to be sure.
good luck

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