Painting inside hood


Jul 12, 2004
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Bedfordshire, UK
I am in the process of building a new wooden hood for my Rekord 70 (will post when done) and need to paint the inside of the hood in white.

Does anybody know if standard emulsion or gloss is suitable? I have no condensation tray. Do I need to worry about it being constantly moist and leaking anything into the tank? I imagine not once it is fully dry but thought I should check.

I painted the inside of one of my hoods with white emulsion, i gave it a few coats and let it dry, and then i painted over this, again a few coats, with yacht varnish to make it waterproof, and its worked well so far, i really think you would need some sort of waterproofing over your white paint especially if the hood is wooden, alot of condensation can build up inside a hood and could cause you problems down the road, warping etc, anyway thats what i did and like i say its worked well so far.

Look foreward to the pics, best of luck with it.
Ive just built a hood for a record 120 -
ive painted the inside (and outside) with weathershield silk paint and used yacht varnish over the top. The colour is only important if your not using reflectors on your lights other than that just make sure its water tight.

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