Painting a room


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
New york.
My mom is going to paint my room and some of my tanks are gonna be hard to move I was wondering if the fish will be okay with the paint.
paint type beehr
not oil based.
Types of fish:
Bettas mollies sword tales guppies and some new borns.
They should be ok. I would switch off any air pumps if you have any running while the paint is being put on and is drying. Check the paint tin aswell and it may say if it is harmful to aquatic life.
OKay thank you becuase I just cleaned ALL there tanks 3 days ago and I don't wanna do it again :S
I would wait for other peoples opinions as well.
Put a blanket over the tank, and open a window for aeration to remove the toxic fumes.
My fishroom is in the basement, it's actually an extra bedroom I built. I painted the rest of the basement, walls & ceiling with Behr primer & paint. Went through nearly 5 gallons total, new drywall. I just left the door to the fishroom closed. If you have a window, open it, and run a fan. Latex paint is no where near as "fumey" as oil base.

Wow thanks for all the help. >_> I'll put a blanket over it open a window then the door to the hall which has two windows and I have a fan always runing lol so they sould be pretty okay.

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