Painted Glassfish


A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from
Jul 16, 2005
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Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England
Hello --

While doing some research for an article I came across a PetCo fact sheet on painted glassfish.

In the hope that those unfamiliar with these fish will avoid them, I wanted to point out that the PetCo fact sheet not only breezes over the cruelty of, as they say, having them "injected with non-toxic dye", but also gets most of the facts about what these fish need completely wrong.

The injection of dye is cruel, painful, and certainly causes long-term health problems, despite PetCo saying that it is "non toxic".

These glassfish do not need brackish water, they need soft to neutral freshwater, and they will not eat flake food. Basically, if you tried to do what this fact sheet suggests, you'd probably end up with dead fish.


a think that calls for a few dozen stern letters to petco
whether they listen or not is another matter
I emailed 'em, but heck, my experience of PetCo is such that I don't expect a reply.

Really, what we can do is hope that newbies here on this Forum take note, and avoid buying these painted glassfish. Even better, they'll patronise reputable aquarium stores with staff who know (and care) about fish. It's been said before, but an aquarium store run by someone who loves fish as much as we do is a treasure. They're sadly not as common as you'd imagine.



a think that calls for a few dozen stern letters to petco
whether they listen or not is another matter
if people buy them they will sell them along with all the hybrid crap
A reply from PetCo.

I am obviously very pleased that they have stopped selling painted glassfish. Let's hope that "disco fish" become a thing of the past before too long...

As for the water/food issue, I've recommended they check out the Aqualog book.




Dear Neale Monks,

Thank you for contacting PETCO's Customer Relations Department.

It is obvious that you are a fish enthusiast and I appreciate you contacting us regarding your concerns. Let me first start by saying that PETCO does not sell Painted Glass Fish in any of our stores.

In regards to the care sheet, I will have it reviewed by one of our Aquatics Specialists to ensure that the proper care information is accurate. I was unable to use the link that you provided. I did, however, do some reasearch on other sites and the ones that mentioned the salinity content did match the information provided on the care sheet. Again, I will have the care sheet reviewed just in case.

Thank you again for expressing your concerns. We truly appreciate the feedback from our customerser. Please contact us again if we could be of any further assistance.

Thom B.
Customer Relations Coordinator

At PETCO, Animals Always Come First... Our People Make it Happen!
I can only say from personal experience, but when I had glass fish (non painted) they enjoyed eating flake food. Or, maybe there were starving and desperate to eat anything
Maybe a little from column A and a little from column B.... I've never heard of any glassfish take flake, and mine certainly don't. So perhaps you were lucky. What brand were you using?

Certainly, when fish are starving they eat all kinds of things. Did your glassfish do well on flake? Did they live for several years? If they did, I'm quite impressed!



I can only say from personal experience, but when I had glass fish (non painted) they enjoyed eating flake food. Or, maybe there were starving and desperate to eat anything
Hello --

While doing some research for an article I came across a PetCo fact sheet on painted glassfish.

In the hope that those unfamiliar with these fish will avoid them, I wanted to point out that the PetCo fact sheet not only breezes over the cruelty of, as they say, having them "injected with non-toxic dye", but also gets most of the facts about what these fish need completely wrong.

The injection of dye is cruel, painful, and certainly causes long-term health problems, despite PetCo saying that it is "non toxic".

These glassfish do not need brackish water, they need soft to neutral freshwater, and they will not eat flake food. Basically, if you tried to do what this fact sheet suggests, you'd probably end up with dead fish.


whilst i completley agree with everything i have to point out glass fish are actualy freshwater
I've seen fishes called "Jellybeans" and boy did they look awful. They were dyed in red, purple, green, blue...they had a pastel coloring to them. They truly did look like jellybeans. Kind of ugly fish if you ask me... what type are those fish??? Anyone know?
My first fish were 3 botia modestas, blue loaches. I didn't realize they were dyed until later. 2 were dyed bright blue and one was dyed red. I remember, the LFS also had green-bodied ones. After three months, their dye was gone and they were back to their natural color. I should have realized it by their blotchy color; I'll never forget the weird, blotchy looks that their bodies had (when I first got them and when it was fading away). Anyway that was 8 years ago. The biggest one, 8", died two months ago. But the other two, 7", are still going strong at a friend's place.

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