Had lunch with friends in Chinatown (NYC) today and since I'm seldom that far downtown I seized the opportunity to visit one of the few privately owned aquarium shops still in business in Manhattan, Pacific Aquarium, so named since it originally was one of NY's premier importers of fancy goldfish from across the Pacific. Over the years it generalized and developed a very strong tropicals department often featuring much more than the usual bread-and-butter species. Today was no exception and it made me nostalgic for the days when shops such as these were not rare. Any place that has Clown Killies, Nannostomus eques and N. unifasciatus, Dwarf Pea Puffers, numerous Apistogramma sp, Scarlet Badis, Silver Hatchets, Dwarf Gold Barbs (Pethia gelius), to name a few, all under one roof, is okay by me.
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