Ozone Actually Help

yes an ozoner is dangeros to your health and i have had a total wipe out from an overdose from anozoner i wouldnt recommend it

regards scott
I have to agree, unless you know what you are doing then ozone can be very dangerous

Seffie x
Ozone can for sure be VERY dangerous and you really do have to know what you're getting into when you use it. I personally emply ozone and love it, but I only use a 50mg unit and run it at only ~35mg. A 300 would be way overkill for your tank which is smaller than my own 65g. If you really do want to go down the ozone route, research a LOT and impliment slowly. Back the unit off if you ever see signs of stress in livestock (especially corals).

As for power consumption though, Ozonizers only use a few watts of electricity, so little you probably won't notice it on an electric bill
O3 is no more dangerous than water, electricity or gas....just make sure you know what you are doing and employ the right controls.

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