

Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Ok, DUMB question alert. LOL! I just split a 3 gallon thanks to my hubby's homemade dividers and put my 3 crowntails in it. I have pretty glass marbles on the bottom, a nylon plant in each section and a small chunk of java moss in each section.

Now, my question is this.....the tank has TONS of air bubbles on the walls of the tank, the plants, and the dividers. Now, of course I've seen this before and I have a "basting brush" with soft bristles I usually use to brush these away. I've done that a few time already and they just seem to keep coming! This is the first time I've used live plant...could it possibly be putting TOO much oxygen in the water? Or is this really a non issue? :huh:
you don't need an airstone/bubble wall with bettas, they breath air from the surface using thier labrynth organ(sp).
turn it off they will appreciate it.
It is quite possible for the water to be saturated or supersaturated with O2. The mechanics are pretty much that the cold water in your pipes makes air diffuse into the water, and when it heats up, the water forms bubbles. These bubbles can inflame the fishes' gills.

Best thing to do: get water for water changes ready the day before and let it stand in the bucket, esp. with an air stone in it to make the O2 diffuse out faster.
Ok, DUMB question alert. LOL! I just split a 3 gallon thanks to my hubby's homemade dividers and put my 3 crowntails in it. I have pretty glass marbles on the bottom, a nylon plant in each section and a small chunk of java moss in each section.

Now, my question is this.....the tank has TONS of air bubbles on the walls of the tank, the plants, and the dividers. Now, of course I've seen this before and I have a "basting brush" with soft bristles I usually use to brush these away. I've done that a few time already and they just seem to keep coming! This is the first time I've used live plant...could it possibly be putting TOO much oxygen in the water? Or is this really a non issue? :huh:
I think it's just because the tanks new. It will go away.

But, too many changes can lead to gas bubble disease...(taken from badmans tropical)
Gas Bubble Disease is caused by a sudden dramatic change in gas pressure in the aquarium. This can happen by changing too much water at one time or by adding cold water to the fish tank. Gas bubbles form in the fins and skin of the fish. The bubbles look like blisters and are very easy to see. The skin will crackle if you run your finger across it. If not treated in time, gas bubbles in the bloodstream will kill the fish. The treatment is to add alot of aeration to the aquarium. Lights should be left off to minimize stress. If you see alot of bubbles that have already popped, consider adding a general antibiotic to guard against secondary infection
Hehehe, I guess I wasn't clear. :) The tank doesn't have air pump or filter or anything like that....it's just plain ol' tank with dividers, glass marbles for decore on bottom and nylon plants and a little java moss. The air bubbles are there all on their own...not being made by anything artificial. :) I thought the java moss might be creating excess oxygen that in turn made the bubbles and wasn't sure if that's possible, or a problem?

Wow...thanks for all the replies, and for replying so quickly too! I'll do what I can to get rid of the standing bubbles. Don't want to cause any problems for my babies! From now on I'll get the water ready early and give it a chance to "gas off" first. :)
The java moss wouldnt pearl under those conditions assuming you are running no c02 or fertilizers. So there is no way its the java moss. The excess bubbles are just because the tank is newly filled with water. It should go away in a day or two.
Oh good, hehehe.

I have just set up my other tank in prep for my HM pair. I should be getting them tomorrow night. YAY! So the tank should be well ready by then. :)
Hehehe, thank you very much! That's Flare, my first CT. He's my pride and joy. hehehe :)

Speaking of nice fish...I'm drooling over the 2 pics you are using right now. What gorgeous CTs!

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