Oxygen Tablets For Small Tank


New Member
Sep 14, 2010
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I bought some tablets to add extra oxygen to the water, because all i have is a filter which does not agetate the surface too much.

I put the tablets in the water and they have now completely disolved as i cannot see them .. they are meant to last 2/3 days but they have gone after an hour? what's going on!
maybe somebody with more experience will know, but are they actually worth it? I've never seen the point in them o_O

Is your filter fixed or can you not move it up higher so that it agitates the water surface more?
maybe somebody with more experience will know, but are they actually worth it? I've never seen the point in them o_O

Is your filter fixed or can you not move it up higher so that it agitates the water surface more?

I just wanted it to be a temporary solution till i can afford a decent air pump.

And no not really :\ it can only go in one place really, unless i take water out.. which is not an option lol
keep checking the Classified section of the forum, you might find yourself a bargain. Is the surface being agitated at all? I think the money you are spending on oxygen tablets would be better saved for a new filter
Concidering its a proven fact that fish can live happily in water which we pump in CO2 to the point of 30ppm, it seems seriously pointless dosing "oxygen tablets" unless you know you have a serious issue with no O2 in your aquarium. No surface agitation isnt a bad thing, yes it helps prevent having a surface film (algae), but it isnt a requirement within the hobby.

I think your wasting your money IMHO
they are a gimick, however, you 'do' need to have at least a ripple on the surface to be producing enough 02 within the water. I would never say no surface aggitation as there will be no gas exchange.

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