

Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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I have the fish in my sig and im wondering if i can get a bolvian ram....im might get a 55 gallon this year if not the loach goes to my friend.....would it work...i want one so bad..
Sorry, but I would get more Tetras & Danios first as they are schooling fish, then see how this affects your stocking before thinking about a ram.
but i want a ram so bad :grr: maybe ill get more zebras or neons dont know Ill have to look, but ive had the neons and zebras so long they school together almost expect 1 neon he goes off on his own
-2 Pitcus Catfish
Get way too big for a 20g. You'll need to take them back or give them a bigger home.

-1 Clown Loach
Get way too big for a 20g. They are also social fish and need to be in groups of at least 3.

-2 Neon Tetras
Need to be kept in groups of 5 or more.

-2 Zebra Danios
Need to be kept in groups of 5 or more.

I understand wanting a particular fish (Rams are definitely cool), but I think you need to seriously reconsider your entire stocking scheme before thinking about adding fish.
pitcus only get 5 inches.....ill make sure loach lives if i cant 55 gallon in time he goes to my friends when he gets big enough because he has bigger fish -_-
Well, the pictus need at least 30 gallons. I understand about the loach though. I don't think you'll be able to get rams unless you get rid of the pictus since just them by themselves overstock the tank. If you get rid of them or give them to your friend you can get rams and fit more neons and danios, or get some other types of fish.
thning is my froend isnt going to be able to take them for atleast 6 months....
FrAnK3333 said:
thning is my froend isnt going to be able to take them for atleast 6 months....
Hi FrAnK3333

If you go to http://detroit.craigslist.org/ you will be able to post in the classifieds section and unload the fish you can't keep. Unless your friend already has loaches you wouldn't want the little guy to be by himself any way. good luck!
Frank, I've pasted my reply to you when you wanted a betta a week ago. I really hope you are starting to notice that everywhere you post the facts remain the same that your tank is overstocked, with incompatible fish :(

You need a much bigger tank for what you have. The clown loaches need to be in groups of three or more and will get 12 inches each. The pictus need even a bigger tank then the clowns. Neons are also schooling and need to be in a bigger group. I'm assuming the zebras are danios? They're schooling and need to be in a group of 6 as well.

Yes, Pictus get 5-6 inches in captivity but they need a larger tank because they need to be kept soliatry or in groups of three or more or they will fight aggressively. I would really think about rehousiing your fish be it in a new tank or new homes, it's just not fair to them :/
lol ya the betta thing i ended up getting a tank just for it..... but people seem to missing the question, ive asked my friend ,and he will take them but when they get bigger, this is if i cant get a 55 gallon in time... -_- i do listin to a lot of advice form this forum, sorrel convinced me to not put betta in tank, i got 2 gallon and got a betta, id get frineds for fishes but i have to wait. I may be able to ahve my friend take them but his 55 gallon isnt set up yet his 15 gallon is stocked his 85 gallon is a pirhania tank..
sorry pal but even if u get a 55 u can't have the loach. I think one is pushing it in a 55 and u need at least 3.

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