2 dwarf gouramis, 3 sword tails, 2 mollies, 10 guppies, 4 clown loach, 1 bristlenose
I wouldn't add the betta cause he would get nipped by the swordtails and mollies and may kill your guppies.
Plecos are territorial and you should only keep one per tank realy... so I'd skip the second pleco.
You could add two gold gouramies but make sure they're not both male... with your dwarf gouramies be careful the new gouramies don't kill them. Try to get two female goldens if you realy want more gouramies or get pearls instead as they are less likely to cause trouble IME.
I wouldn't get the angels. When they are full grown they may eat your smaller guppies and some swordtails will nip their long fins.
You could get the red-tailed black shark but they may harass the guppies and some of your other fish too - it depends on the shark's territoriality and the space it has available to it.
Those clown loaches get very big and you should keep this in mind. When they get larger your tank may be overstocked.
To help your fish get along I would include some caves and things for the pleco and loaches, some large-leaved plants for the shark and some floating plants for the gouramies. Fine-leaved plants would help provide your smaller fish with a retreat if they need to get away from a larger or more aggressive fish. The pleco would also appreciate a bit of driftwood.
If you only added the gouramies and shark you wouldn't be overstocking but be aware of your clown loaches getting considerably bigger.
The only way to be truly certain you are not overstocked is to test your water and make sure your ammonia and nitrites are always at 0 and your nitrates must remain below 40, prefferably below 25, with only one partial water change every week. You can increase the time between water changes with plants which will take up extra nitrates and good filtration and no over-feeding but this is not a replacement for water changes.
I should mention that what I have just written is based purely on my experience and I do know of situations where all the fish you have or want got along together just fine - it's just better to stay on the safe side IMO.