

New Member
Apr 11, 2012
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hello everyone!!! I got a question about how many fish my 80 gallon aquarium can handle. It has been running for about 8 months now. My aquarium set up consist of the following: Canister Filter rated for 100 gallon aquarium. Two 250 watt heaters. Air Pump. I also have 7 live plants. My water parameters are good. i do bi weekly water test. I do a 30 % water change about every 3 to 4 weeks depending on cleanliness of tank. I currently have 4 angels in there. One is large with its body about the size of a tennis ball. The second one's body is about the size of a golg ball and the other two 's body size is close to a US 50 cent piece. I also have 11 glowlight tetras and 20 cardinal tetras. The glowlights are all about 1.5 inches and the cardinals anywhere from 3/4 inch to 1 inch. And i have a small gold pleco abot 2 inches. IThis type only grows to a max 5 inches. I want to add about 20 more cardinal tetras and 2 -4 more small angels. What do you all think? Will that overstock my tank? If so any suggestions? All input is greatly appreciated. thank you all.
First thing i would do is up the amount of water you change and when you change it. Once a week is correct practice, once a fortnight is common, once every 3 weeks and you're starting to leave yourself (potentially) open to disease and/or infections. You note some heavy bio-load fish, maybe think about increasing to 40% + every fortnight..THEN look into getting more fish.


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