

Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
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i have a rio 180 tank (180 litres or 40 gallon) with compact h filter 1 side of my tank plus a flueval 2+ on the other side.is my stock contents alright,i have

2 4inch catfish-----3 neons
1 bronze cory------3 cardinal tetra's
3 panda cory's-----3 glowlights
3 sterbia cory's----5 rasbera harlequins
2 julli cory's--------5 bronze harlequins
3 black phantom tetra's
You are almost double your tank's capacity but how much of an affect that has depends on how strict you are with regular maintainance and on what those 2 catfish are...

One thing I can say for certain - don't add any more fish.
you've not got any high waste fish in there... (what are the 2 4" catfish?)

How often do you check your nitrate levels?
Hi, thanks for your replies. no they are not upside down catfish they are one of the sydontis family, i check my nitrate two to three times a week, and i check for ammo every day i did my nitrate today it was 20ppm
as long as the mitrates are too high (above 50ppm) between water changes then your fine.

It sounds like your making the right checks to me able to throw the basic 1" per gallon, out of the window.

With the extra filtration you should be fine for more fish. although I'd consider an external over the 2+ if you want much more ;)

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