

Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2019
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A friend of mine has a tank that he keeps bringing new fish into, I've told him I think it's is (or is going to be) very overstocked and will cause problems when they reach adult hood.. He thinks it will be fine but I think its over double what he should have.
Could I have some answers off you guys so I can screenshot them and send them to him haha..
He has a 170 litre tank or just under 40 gallons.
Its around 140cm long and about 60cm tall by roughly looking at it.
He has
7 silver dollars
10 bristlenose plecos
5 upside down cat fish
5 clown loaches
4 rainbow sharks
That's like 350cm of fish fully grown! I swear I saw some clown loaches once that were about 25cm in length or just short of a foot.
He says they have more in shops but I did explain about the size of their filters and no gravel.. At the moment the biggest fish is only 9cm but am I right in thinking at adulthood they are going to be extremely crowded. And that's not to mention the water parimetre differences
The tank is way overstocked. And very badly stocked with respect to species. This frankly is animal cruelty.

Silver Dollars...good to have a group of seven, but this fish will attain 6 inches/15 cm and needs a tank of 4 feet/120 cm length.

Bristlenose Plecos...males are quite territorial and a 40g cannot possibly support this many even if they are all females. They must have real wood in their diet. And algae su[pplements.

Upside Down Catfish...this group of five in the 40g is fine, but not with the Silver Dollars, Loaches and Sharks. This is not a robust species. It needs plants with large leaves so it can be "upside down" under them, or lots of branches.

Clown Loaches...five is the minimum, good on that, but as this fish reaches 8-12 inches/20-30 cm and given its nature needs an 8-foot/240 cm length tank...not good.

Rainbow Sharks...should never be more than one in a tank, and it needs a 4-foot/120 cm tank.

"Crowding" is much more thasn just the size of the fish today. It involves development over time, and this tank simply does not have either the physical space nor the volume for the above, even individually (except as mentioned).

Assuming he will come back with some nonsense about there being no issues, it is scientific fact that fish placed in these type of inadequate environments do not develop normally so aggressive interaction may be non-existent due to this severe stress (which is slowly killing the fish in other ways) or they may suddenly explode in aggressive interactions. The conditions in this tannk are those that the various fish would never encounter in nature, and they should not be forced into them in an aquarium.
10 bristle nose Plecos in one tank? Holy cow! They will kill each other as they mature. One bn pleco needs 20 gallons alone.
Way overstocked. Woah.
I would think that a 140cm x 60cm is a lot more than 40 gallons.

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