
Using the 1" grown fish per gallon of water, sounds like you're a bit full up already :/

Tiger Barbs get to 3", so there's 15"
Red Eye Tetra get to 3", so there's 12"
Gouramis - 2" each - 4"
Rainbow Shark - 6"

That's 37" already in a 29 gal tank.
sounds like a lot of fish already. What are your parameters like and what type offiltration are you using. Adding more gouramis may or may not work specially if they are male,which are the most colorful. However i have seen tanks where this has worked. The red tail may not harm a flea now but they tend to get cranky and territorial as they age and some age real quick :D . If you have good parameters and plenty of filtering you could make this work but it will be an experiment that will have to be done slowly and with a bckup plan (like can you take this fish back if it doesntfit in). HTH
You might have reach your limit already, plus i think gouramis can get pretty territorial if you don't give them enough space....Just my 2 cents... :D
My experience is the same G Sharky, they can be quite nasty little buggers!!!! :nod:


Personally, I would skip adding anymore fish to that tank and just enjoy the ones that are there for now!!! ;)
my understanding is it's best not to mix the dwarf variety with the regular variety of gouramis. Also the stocking measurements people have given you are so far pretty accurate. If you wanted to push it further you could possibly squeeze in another dwarf depending on what sex the one you have now is.
SConrad said:
ok..... i dont think i will try it. I might take back my 5 tiger barbs to the LFS or sell them or something. idk but i just want to move into gourami' they are truly one of my favorite types of fish...

thank u all
if you really love gouramis and have the resources you could do what I'm about to which is setup an asian gouramis tank with gouramis tiger barbs and loaches but you need kinda a large tank.
Dont know if that will be big enough. But with lots of plants and if you can get a long tank then it might do the job. Just watch the number of males you get. In a larger tank with more surface area you could probably pull this off very well but in a twenty to get multiple types of gouramis to coexist may pose some problems. So ensure that you can take back a fish if it doesnt cooperate before you buy it. HTH :)

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