

New Member
Dec 30, 2009
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Hi all - after a patient wait of weeks my tank has been completely cycled for about 4 days now. I have 6 serpae tetra in there now along with numerous java moss plants and two Amazon sword plants. I intended to purchase 6 tiger barbs and that would have completed my set up but the lady at the fish store mistakenly gave me 7 small tiger barbs instead of the 6 (only charged me for 6). I thought stocking 6 more would push me to the limit but I am terribly afraid the extra one is going to mess with my tank. I also have just a tetra whisper filter that came with the kit.

If I realized this in the car I would have turned around to return one of the fish, but they are 40 minutes out of my way.

Any thoughts?

Assuming your tank is large enough for 6 full grown tiger barbs, then it'll be fine with 7.

How big is your tank?

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