Overstocked Tank


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
England, UK
last night I lost two tiger barbs :sad: They had been looking very stressed but the other fish looked fine. Now my Red tailed shark is looking very distressed.

I really dont want to loose him as he is a nice big fish.

The tank has a lot of platies in it, - about 8 and because it is overstocked I have been carrying out lots of water changes (about 25% a week).

What can I do?
Hiya Teresa,

Sorry to hear about your loss :-( . If you could give us a bit more info about your tank that would be v helpful. How big is it? How long have you had it for? How many fish do you have in it and what are they? Have you done tests for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

If no to that last one, you should definitely go out and get a tester kit if you can, it will really help you to know what's going on in your tank and hopefully make it easier to spot any problems - most illnesses in fish tanks are caused by poor water quality.

Hope this helps! :thumbs:
Now my Red tailed shark is looking very distressed.

By that what does the sharks distressions look like?

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