Overstocked Tank Want More Catfish!


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
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I want to get at least 12-15 fish in my 50litre tank (approx 25inchest worth).

I was thinking ... would this be possible if i get a oversized canister filter for it to work the bioload?

I have about 8 at the moment 3xneons 3xSAE 2xHillsidesuckers 1xPleco and my filter is coping (0 ammonia 0 nitrites)

but i really really want some loaches... and shrimp

and i wont be upgrading my tank till next year.
You answered the question in the sub title to be fair....

But it is possible but not with the fish you have at present - if you want lots of fish in your tank get small fish. And things like your SAE and especially the Pleco do no belong in that tank and fish like the Hill Stream Loaches are not the best option for the tank.

Canister filters are always better than internals IMO so if thats an option go for it. And if your planning to over stock I would go for it in the sense of doing it for a reason - for example keeping a large school of something.

If you want lots of fish in a small tank thing small with the fish. Go for small tetras like Green Neons and Ember Tetras, Pygmy Cories, Sparkling Gourami, Chilli Rasbora, Galaxy Rasbora, Badis and Dario could work and there are a few small loaches that could work like Rosy Loaches and a few other micro loaches for that kind of environment. Ottos would work and all their variants and so would very small growing species of plecs like Pitbulls.

If your not upgrading for at least a year then dont get big growing fish with a view to getting bigger tanks for them to grow on stick to small fish like I mentioned above.

+1 for Wills advice there.

If you want big fish, get the big tank first.
thanks Will for your advice.
The SAEs i have are tiny (less than 2 inches long probably 1 inch). I got 3 because I heard they were
schooling fish. The hillstream sucker is always hiding so i need to get another one soon to keep him company.
ah the complexities!

You answered the question in the sub title to be fair....

But it is possible but not with the fish you have at present - if you want lots of fish in your tank get small fish. And things like your SAE and especially the Pleco do no belong in that tank and fish like the Hill Stream Loaches are not the best option for the tank.

Canister filters are always better than internals IMO so if thats an option go for it. And if your planning to over stock I would go for it in the sense of doing it for a reason - for example keeping a large school of something.

If you want lots of fish in a small tank thing small with the fish. Go for small tetras like Green Neons and Ember Tetras, Pygmy Cories, Sparkling Gourami, Chilli Rasbora, Galaxy Rasbora, Badis and Dario could work and there are a few small loaches that could work like Rosy Loaches and a few other micro loaches for that kind of environment. Ottos would work and all their variants and so would very small growing species of plecs like Pitbulls.

If your not upgrading for at least a year then dont get big growing fish with a view to getting bigger tanks for them to grow on stick to small fish like I mentioned above.

Shrimp could be the way forward? I don't think they put much of a strain on the bioload...
You've said your ammonia and nitrite is 0, OP, which is great, but what's your nitrate like before a water change?
Agree with what has been said above. Get the bigger tank first, then the fish.

I also agree that an external filter is better than an internal. In fact, they will add a few extra liters of volume to the overall tank.
Wills is absolutely right. I've seen lots of horror stories on this forum about folks who get too many fish that grow too big in anticipation of getting that bigger tank, and then something happens and the poor fish are stuck in the smaller tank. Don't increase your numbers until you get the bigger tank. It's that simple.

And research the fish you already have! Ask questions here, not at the LFS (whose only goal is to sell fish, not keep yours healthy).
Hi guys Ive just upgraded my filter to an Eheim 2214
Now i have 2 filters running in the tank.
parameters are:

nitrite - 0
nitrate - 5
ammonia - 0

The first filter is a sponge the second is a canister that has carbon, biospheres and biocylinders as well as 2 sponges

Ive so far planted 4 plants but am getting moss as well next week.

My new addition is a hillstream loach but he is so shy and always hides behind the filter.
another hillstream loach is coming next week to keep him company.

I am thinking of getting crystal red shrimp sometime soon as well.
Look these fish are going to get to a decent size and you are going to run into problems, its very well thanking me for the advice but please at least take some on board.

Hillstream loaches are not really suitable in this tank, they need really really strong flow and also lower temperatures than the other fish in your tank. They are a social fish but they are also a fish that enjoy cover and will stay hidden most of the time IME.

As said the SAEs grow quickly to 6 inches, they are not schooling fish and in some cases are often quarrelsome with their own kind - especially as they grow up.

In all honesty the filters you are running are irrelevant right now as they will be doing the job which is good but the actual size of the tank is limiting to the size of fish you want to keep.

Big fish need big tanks small fish can live in small tanks.

Fish keeping is not complicated, realistically its a series of check lists 80% of the time. And one of the first checks is - Is my tank big enough for this fish? And to be honest for most of your fish no its not...


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