overstocked tank but good water parameters

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 18, 2005
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I set up my tank about 4 months ago, starting from scratch with absolutely no knowledge of fish. Surprisingly, I have lost only 2 fish, and they had no signs of disease, so the causes of their deaths are still undetermined. I've learned a lot since then, and one of the things I've learned, unfortunately, is that my tank is overstocked. Here is my setup:

aquarium: 15 gallon high
filtration: Marineland Penguin 100 HOB filter
heater: 100W submersible heater
substrate: 10-15mm natural pebbles
plants: 2x large silk plants

5x zebra danio (1.5"-1.6")
5x bleeding heart tetra (1.25")
3x sailfin (I think) molly (1.75"-2.2")
2x guppy (1.25")
1x betta male (normal full-grown size, about 1.5" excluding tail)
1x apple snail (1.5" shell diameter)

water chemistry:
ammonia: 0 ppm
nitrite: 0 ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm

Is this tank horrendously overstocked, or is it something that can be managed with frequent water changes? I didn't test the water at all until recently, when I learned that it's good to test the water (keep in mind that I knew nothing when I started out). Still, my water chemistry leads me to the conclusion that I've been doing a good job in keeping up the water quality, and my fish seem very happy. They appear to have plenty of room to swim, and they all get along (except the danios, who enjoy chasing each other around and around the tank). Is there anything I should know about overstocking besides to keep up my water changes? I currently change about 1/3 of the water each week. I know that it's bad to overstock, but it seems to be working well in my case. Any advice? Thanks for reading... :fish: :fish: :fish:
i wouldnt say ur overstocked but others would differ i think (ur have to get rid of these and those ect ect! i too am overstocked i change 20%every 4 days there all healthy and get on ok most of the time,the only thing i would advise is changing 30% a week 30% in 1 go seems a bit to much it may stress them out
I guess I could try to change 20% every four days or so, but it's a lot easier to just do one water change per week. Does anyone else think that 30% water changes will stress my fish? Anyone else have any comments about my stocking levels--how badly the tank is overstocked, etc.?
EDIT: Sorry :*) my computer malfunctioned and I accidentally posted twice. :X
Seems to me that, if it ain't broke, don't try an fix it!
Yes, it is overstocked. But as the water params are good, and you're keeping them clean and happy.....
Might want to think about getting a bigger tank for them though as I suspect some aren't yet full grown. Sailfins get big. And I do mean big. They won't stay happy in the tank when full grown and it could lead to stress and disease problems.
You may also find the betta could become aggressive or get picked on in the future too.
I have a 15g with 4 x-ray tetras, 4 harlequins, 1 male platie, 2 endlers and 1 s.gouramie and I find they make a great deal of mess. Params are good but the platie and the endlers are being moved out soon. I suffer terminal mts. :*)
Best of luck with them, whatever you do.
Thanks for the replies. I guess I don't have sailfins, because the mollies I have will probably not get over 3". I've been feeding them high quality foods twice a day for months and they don't seem to grow very fast. What are all the kinds of mollies? What are the maximum lengths for each variety?
Oh, and another thing that I forgot to add is that I realize a high tank is less desirable than its normally- or long-sized counterpart. But I didn't know that when I bought it... :dunno: By the way I have two female mollies and one male molly, but the male doesn't have a dorsal fin as large as the sailfin males'. The two females are yellow and white with black speckles, and the male is black with silver and white speckles. The male is the largest fish in the tank at about 2.2-2.25".

Anyone have any advice/opinions/suggestions? I'd really appreciate input...
I wouldn't call it overstocked. Heavily stocked, sure, but not overstocked.

As long as the water you are adding matches the water you are taking out you can do larger water changes. I do 75% weekly on most of my overstocked, overfiltered tanks. More lightly stocked ones get 50%. Many discus breeders do huge daily water changes.

if doing large water changes be weary of high ammonia levels in tap water!

my water is 0.6 ppm which will kill many (if not all) species of fish.
I change about 40% of the water each time and my fish have never had a problem.

I just wanted to add that you should keep an eye on the guppy/betta situation as there might be some friction there. It might be worthwhile getting a smallish tank for your betta just in case.

BTW i'm "overstocked" too!
You have more fish than gallons of water. You're overstocked by any definition.

Keeping up with the tank maintenance is great. As someone who has to make regular large water changes in an overstocked (by necessity) 75g tank, I understand that commitment to clean water.

But it's the territorial and behavioral issues caused by overstocking that I think you're going to have to worry about in the long run.

Some issues that may or may not cause problems in the future:
Danios really should have more space than that to swim.
Danios have a fin nipping reputation. Watch the guppies and betta around them.
Bettas have been known to become intolerant of guppies.
Mollys simply get too big for that tank.

That's my $0.02 at least. Good luck! :thumbs:
Agree with the above, sailfins do get big, I think theres a few 4'' pairs at the lfs. The betta really isn't ideal at all.
black_bull said:
Thanks for the replies. I guess I don't have sailfins, because the mollies I have will probably not get over 3". I've been feeding them high quality foods twice a day for months and they don't seem to grow very fast. What are all the kinds of mollies? What are the maximum lengths for each variety?

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