Overstocked or just right?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Okay so I decided to give the 120 gallon to my community fish in my 29 gallon because I think they should get first dibs on it. :lol: ;) So this is what is in the 29 gallon as of now:

1 bumblebee catfish
2 glass cats (the others died due to unknown nitrite spike)
1 german blue ram (other died of nitrite spike as well)
5 neon tetras
1 glo-lite tetra (thrown in with neons by accident)
1 red-tailed rasbora (thrown in with neons by accident)
1 dalmation molly and her 7 fry (she is pregnant again :rolleyes: )
1 rubbernose plec
1 green cory (survivors from a tank crash)
1 albino cory (survivors from a tank crash)

I am thinking this will be what will be in the 120 gallon:

2 bumblebee catfish
6 glass cats
4 german blue rams
10-20 neons
10-20 glo-lites
5 red-tailed rasboras
1 dalmation molly (7 fry and more to come :rolleyes: )
2 rubbernose plec
5 green cory
5 albino cory
1 female betta
4 clown loaches

And I was thinking I wanted something as a centerpiece. I know the rams could make as a nice center piece but I wanted something just a little bigger. I don't know if my tank would already be fully stocked with the fish above?

People have recomended discus so I was thinking either discus later down the road or angels.

I don't have very much knowledge in either species and was looking at them online. I know I won't keep both together, just one of the two.

Discus need very clean water so that wouldn't be a problem. I plan on doing 25% water changes weekly to keep up on the good water quality. :nod: :thumbs: I also heard they like to be in groups of 6-8? I was thinking like getting maybe 4 max? Would this not work or..? I am also heavily planting the tank and getting some floating plants so the environment would be pretty good for the discus IMO.

As for the angels, I don't like their colors as much as discus but their body shape also doesn't freak me out. How can a fish be so...circular? :crazy: :dunno: My tank is about 22-24 inches tall so I think that would be okay for angels. Would the angels try to eat the neons or glo-lites? Or would the neons nip the angels fins?

I also was thinking about a few fancy-tailed goldies, but those need coldwater so I suppose I can't get maybe two of those?

Please help me, I am at such a loss right now I don't know what to do. :S
Just showed my boyfriend the discus, looks like we are going for them. :rolleyes: Finally he admits to liking a freshwater fish. :p :wub:

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