Hi there,
After 23 days of fishless cycling my 10 gallon finally could process 3ppms of ammonia in 24 hours with zero nitrates. Since then I've rescaped (twice!!!) And finally stocked my tank. I put 4 panda corys, one large zebra nerite, one small tiger nerite, and my male koi half moon betta I bought on aquabid. Everyone has been in there for 3 days now, daily water tests show 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 5-10 nitrates. I started with 4 nerites but after seeing all the poo I removed 2 putting one in each of my 5 gallons (1 male betta, 2 ghost shrimps, one snail.) I'm getting some more livestock this weekend and I need bioload opinions. Basically I want some seasoned opinion on if you think my tank would be overstocked. The end game is one male betta, 4 panda corys, one bandit (a friend has a lone one and I felt so bad he didn't have a school so he will be added to my panda clan), 2 nerites, and a giant bamboo shrimp. I was also considering added 3 Amanos into the mix to clean up the substrate a bit. My tank is heavily planted and will be more grown in later since the stem plants were just put in about a week ago. I will also include flora list if anyone is interested! Pictures included! Thank you
After 23 days of fishless cycling my 10 gallon finally could process 3ppms of ammonia in 24 hours with zero nitrates. Since then I've rescaped (twice!!!) And finally stocked my tank. I put 4 panda corys, one large zebra nerite, one small tiger nerite, and my male koi half moon betta I bought on aquabid. Everyone has been in there for 3 days now, daily water tests show 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 5-10 nitrates. I started with 4 nerites but after seeing all the poo I removed 2 putting one in each of my 5 gallons (1 male betta, 2 ghost shrimps, one snail.) I'm getting some more livestock this weekend and I need bioload opinions. Basically I want some seasoned opinion on if you think my tank would be overstocked. The end game is one male betta, 4 panda corys, one bandit (a friend has a lone one and I felt so bad he didn't have a school so he will be added to my panda clan), 2 nerites, and a giant bamboo shrimp. I was also considering added 3 Amanos into the mix to clean up the substrate a bit. My tank is heavily planted and will be more grown in later since the stem plants were just put in about a week ago. I will also include flora list if anyone is interested! Pictures included! Thank you