Overly Aggressive Female


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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So I recently bought three new girls which I believe to be from the same spawn. They all pretty much look the same. Anyway.. one of them is very aggressive, she kept nipping and chasing the other girls so I had to remove her from the tank. Now there's only three girls left in there, they seem to be getting along fine.
I really want to keep them all in the same tank though. Is there anything I could do to ease the aggressivness?
I didn't have great success with a female community as there is always a pecking order and nips are inevitable I found.

Do you have lots of plant cover and caves etc for them to claim a little territory of their own? If you want to try the aggressive girl back in then take them all out and just change the tank around a little so it doesn't look the same and then they should all be on an equal footing, and introduce them all again together.

Good luck :D
I do have a couple caves and a few plants in there. I'm planning on getting more plants. I added them all into the tank at the same time. So I guess once I get the new plants I will try again. :D

I got around to redoing the tank this weekend and here is how it looks. Maybe I want a little overboard with the plants and caves? I added all the girls in there again and now they seem to be getting along a lot better.

Before ..


and after..


I think it looked a lot nicer without all the clutter but oh well ^_^
Very true. :D I would like to get more girls! My lfs has about 20..

How many can be in a 10g tank anyway?
I heard 6 can. I have an agressive female too. Blackberry, my half giant. She actually killed another female! :crazy: Luckly, she is the only female in that tank now.
Ever since I rearranged the tank they are getting along A LOT better now. :thumbs: There's a bit of chasing here and there but that's the extent of it!

I guess some of the girls are just as aggressive as the males.

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