Overfed Fish


Jan 1, 2019
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Hi Everyone,

Last night I had my sister feed my fish (I was busy working) and she accidentally put WAY too much food in the tank. This morning my female Dalmatian molly is triple her size and can hardly swim and my betta is at the bottom of the tank not doing much (he's bloated too). I didn't feed them at all today. Do fish typically die from overfeeding or will they be okay within the next few hours? Thank you!
They would only die from excess ammonia. I suggest performing a 40%+ water change and substrate vacuum.
Okay thank you I was a little worried. There is some excess food but I'm going to do a water change once their bloating goes down. Should I feed them at all today?
Large water change, vacuum up any uneaten food, do not feed for 2-3 days

Most tropical fish do not need to be fed every day, I feed my 5 tanks every other day, sometimes every third day

Overfeeding can cause major water quality issues; underfeeding will not

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